電影 movie

Do you have a film industry in your country?

What is your general impression of it?

If you do not have a film industry in your country, where are most of the movies that you watch made?

Do any other countries make films in your language? If so, name them.

Which country is the main producer of movies in your language?

Are you aware of the location of any major film festivals for films in your language?

Is there an independent film industry producing movies in your language? If you know about it, please describe it.

What are the names of some of the most famous directors of movies in your language?

What films have they made?

Who are some of the most famous male actors in movies in your language?

Can you name at least three?

Do you like them?

What are they famous for?

What kinds of people like them?

Does anyone not care for them?

Who are some of the most famous female actors, or actresses, in films in your language?

Can you name at least three?

Do you like them?

What are they famous for?

What kinds of people like them? Does anyone dislike them?

Please name some of the best films made in your language. Describe their plots and tell why you liked them.

Has the film industry that makes films in your language produced films that became popular around the world? If so, name some.

Are animated films being originally produced in your language?

Do you like them?

Describe some of them.

Have they become popular outside your country or culture?

Are romantic films produced in your language?

How do they differ from romantic movies made in Hollywood?

Describe some comedy films made in your language.

How are they different from Hollywood comedies?

Are horror films produced in your language?

How do they differ from scary movies made in Hollywood?

What about action films?

Are they different in some ways from Hollywood films?

Do films made in your language have the same kinds of special effects as Hollywood films?

Are there good documentaries made in your language? If so, describe some topics they deal with.

What positive effects do foreign films have on the people and culture of your country?

What possible negative effects do foreign films have on the people and culture of your country?

For example, do you feel that what is shown in foreign films conflicts with or distorts the values of your own culture?

For example, do people in your country get the wrong kind of information from foreign films?

In an ideal world, what would you like to see the future be of the film industry in your language?

What kinds of films would you like your children to watch when they are young?

When they are teenagers?

When they become adults?

Are movies originally produced in your language the most popular films in your country, or are films with subtitles or dubbing from studios in other countries, for example, from Hollywood in the United States, more popular in your country than those made in your language?

Douglas Beall

  • Why do you think the center of the movie industry in the United States began in Hollywood, southern California, next to Los Angeles?
  • Have you seen many Hollywood movies?
    • Give some examples of Hollywood movies you have seen and your opinion of them.
  • Do you like Hollywood movies? Why or why not?
  • What kind of information about the United States have you learned by watching Hollywood movies?
  • Do you think that movies from different countries can teach us about other cultures?
    • Give some examples to support your answer.
  • What kinds of movies are popular in your country?
  • What do the popular movies in your country show about your culture?
  • Do you think it is right for Hollywood movies to be the movies that are seen most around the world?
    • What change would you like to see, if any?
  • Did you see “Harry Potter”?
    • How many Harry Potter sequels did you see?
  • Why do you think that Harry Potter books and movies have been so popular all around the world?
  • Some Christian groups think that Harry Potter movies can be harmful to children because they show witches and wizards in a positive light.
    • Do you agree that Harry Potter films can distort children’s minds? Why or why not?
  • Sometimes film studios in Hollywood complain that their movies are being illegally copied and sold for lower prices in different parts of the world.
    • Do you agree with them that this is a bad thing?
    • Do you think it could be a good thing? Support your opinion.
  • Is the movie industry in your country strong? Why or why not?
  • Does the film industry in your country make good movies? Give some examples.
  • Do you think that the movies from your country can be popular in other parts of the world if they have subtitles or are dubbed in different languages? Why or why not?
  • What improvements in special effects have you noticed since you began watching movies?
  • How do you think that movies will change in the future?
  • Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?
  • If you could take part in a movie project, what role would you like to play?
    • Would you like to be an actor, the director, the producer, the camera operator, make-up person, musician, film editor, support crew?
  • If you were a film director, what kind of movie would you like to make?
  • How would your movie be different than others?

情緒 & 恐懼

Are there any parts of the city where you live which you are afraid to visit after dark? Where? Why?

Are there certain weather conditions that scare people? What are they? Why do people become scared?

Are you afraid of flying?

Are you afraid of ghosts?

Are you afraid of giving a speech in public?

Are you afraid of going to the dentist?

Are you afraid of heights?

Are you afraid of scary movies?

Are you afraid of the dark?

Are you afraid to die? Why?

Are you afraid of getting old? Why?

Are there any numbers that people are afraid of in your culture?

Do you fear certain insects or animals? Why?

Do you know anyone with a phobia?

Do you like horror movies?

Do you think young children should be allowed to watch horror movies?

How do you react when you see something frightening?

Is there any person you are afraid of?

Were you afraid of the dark as a child?

Were you afraid on your first day of school here in the United States? How do you feel now?

What animal do you think is the most scary?

What are some things which many people are afraid of? Why are they afraid of them?

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

What is your biggest fear in life? Are you afraid that it might come true?

What kinds of things make you nervous?

What was the most frightening experience you’ve had?

When you were a child, what things were you afraid of?

Do you ever have nightmares (bad dreams)?

What are they about?

How often do you have nightmares?

Have you ever seen any reality TV shows where people face their fears for money?

Would you ever face one of your fears for money?

Do you find this kind of show interesting to watch?

What is your biggest fear?

Have you overcome any of your fears?

Are you afraid of being ill? What disease are you most afraid of? Why?

Do you believe people can be cured of phobias by hypnosis?

Are you afraid to fly?

-Are you afraid to ride a motorcycle?

-Are you afraid of death, of dying?

How do you cope with your fears?

Are you afraid of being ill? What disease are you most afraid of? Why?

What is your biggest fear for yourself?

What is your biggest fear for the world?

How often do you feel afraid?

How would you help someone to get over their fear?

Do you have any form of phobia or paranoia?

What were you afraid of as a child?

What facial expressions accompany fear?

If you ‘put the fear of God into someone,’ how do you think that person feels?

Are you afraid you might get sick?

Are you afraid of speaking English?

A foreign language?

In front of many people?

At official functions?

Are you afraid of germs?

  • Are you annoyed when your partner, husband, or wife flirts with someone else ?
  • Do bad mannered people upset you?
  • Do you get angry when politicians make promises they can’t keep?
  • Do you get angry when you watch the news on TV and see all the terrible things happening in the world?
  • Does it annoy you when shop assistants try to sell you things you don’t need?
  • Does it annoy you when someone interrupts you when you are speaking?
  • Does it annoy you when someone knows everything better than you and says so?
  • Does it annoy you when you are waiting in a long queue and someone pushes in front of you?
  • Does it annoy you when your teacher speaks too quickly?
  • Does it drive you crazy to always see the same faces and read about the same celebrities in the gossip columns?
  • Does it drive you crazy when waiters ignore you?
  • Does it drive you crazy when you have invited people to dinner and they come late and the meal is spoiled?
  • Does it make you angry when motorists drive too closely behind you?
  • Does it make you angry when people make nasty comments about you ?
  • Does it make you angry when you have made an appointment to see the doctor at a certain time and he/she keeps you waiting for ages ?
  • Does it upset or annoy you when a beggar asks you for money?
  • Does it upset you when have to say “No” when someone asks you for help?
  • Does it upset you when you see homeless people?
  • Does it upset you when you see people hitting children or animals?
  • Does it upset you when you see pictures of famines in India, Africa or other countries?

宗教 religion

  • What is faith?
    • What it faithfulness?
    • Is there a difference?
  • What do you have faith in? (i.e., religion, money, government)
  • How does faith affect your life?
  • How do you live faithfully or with faithfulness?
  • Do you think that celebrities/the media displays good faithfulness?
  • If you didn’t have faith, where would you be?
  • Do you think society needs faith? Is it beneficial or harmful?
  • Is faithfulness harder to have than faith?
  • If you already believe something, is it possible to grow in faith?
  • In what area do you feel the most faithful?
  • Can you have faithfulness without faith?
  • What are some religions of the world?
  • Is religion important to you?
  • What is the main religion in your country?
  • Why do you think religion is important in our lives
  • Do you have a religion?
  • What countries do you think have religious freedom?
  • Have you changed your religion?
  • What are some religions of the world?
  • How do you practice your religion?
  • Can you tell us about your religion?
  • Have you ever been persecuted because of your religion?
  • Do you know someone who has gone to war for their religion?

趨勢 fad

What is a fad?

Do you pay attention to fads?

What were some fads when you were in high school?

What were some fads when you were in college?

What are some fads now?

Are fads the same as popular culture?

What are some of the fads in your home country? Are they the same as where you are living now?

Why do you think people pay attention to fads?

What fad influence your life the most?

What portion of the general population do you think creates or follows fads?

How do fads start and who starts them? Today? In the past?

What media influences how fads evolve?

If you wanted to start a trend, how would you go about it?

How long does it take for a fad to die out?

What are the current trends in fashion?

What are the current trends in electronics?

What are the current trends in music, books, or movies?

What are the current trends in dating/relationships?

How do you learn about the current trends?

Are there any current trends you don’t like?

Are there any trends from the past you hope come back?

Are there any trends from the past you hope never come back?

What sorts of trends do you think will develop in the near future?

Name a trend that you followed.

What is a fad diet? Can you name any?

What is a yo-yo diet?

Have you ever tried a fad diet?

Do you count calories? Do you think counting calories is a good way to lose weight?

Do you ever eat or drink “diet” products, such as diet coke?

Have you ever tried a weight loss program?

Was it successful?

Do your parents talk about fads “in their day”?

What fads or trends do you remember from the 80’s, 90’s or any other time period?


Are you a member of a health spa or gym?

Are you afraid of needles?


Are you healthy?


Are your parents healthy?


Do think that you need to lose weight?


Do you always eat healthy food?


Do you bruise easily?


Do you catch a cold more than once a year?


Do you consider alcohol a drug?


Do you drink a lot?


Do you eat a lot of vegetables?


Do you eat lots of fruit?


Do you eat vegetables every day?


Do you ever get headaches?


Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine headaches?


Do you ever read magazines or news articles about health? If yes, what subject(s) do you find the most interesting?


Do you exercise?


What kind of exercise do you do?


How often do you exercise?


Do you go for regular medical check-ups?


Do you go to the dentist’s twice a year?


Do you have a lot of stress?


Do you normally go one doctor in particular or any available doctor?


Do you have any allergies?


Do you have any scars?


Where are they?


Would you like to show them to the class?


Do you know anyone who suffers from backaches?


Do you know anyone with false teeth?


Do you often eat fast food?


Do you smoke?


If so, do you smoke more than two cigarettes a day?


Do you think smoking is not bad for your health?


Do you take medicine when you are sick?

Do you take vitamins or mineral supplements?

Do you take vitamins?

Do you think it is unhealthy to keep a cat in your home?

Do you think nuclear power is safe?

Do you think pets are good for a person’s health

Do you think that the tobacco companies should be held reasonably responsible for a person’s addiction to nicotine?

Do you think you are overweight?

Do you think you will live until a ripe old age? Why or why not?

Do you think you would be a good surgeon? Why or why not?

Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?

Do you usually get enough sleep?

Do you watch your weight? What foods do you think are healthy?

Have you ever been hospitalized?

(Have you ever been in the hospital?)

Have you ever been to an acupuncturist? What do you think of acupuncture?

Have you ever broken a bone?

Have you ever burned yourself with hot water?

Have you ever donated blood?

Have you ever gotten a black eye?

Have you ever had braces on your teeth?

Have you ever had stitches?

Have you ever sprained your ankle?

Have you ever taken a sleeping pill to get to sleep?

How can you reduce stress in your life?

How have you been feeling lately?

How many hours of sleep do you get a night?

How many hours of sleep do you usually get?

How often do you eat junk food?

What kinds of junk food do you eat?

How often do you exercise?

How often do you get a cold?

(How often do you catch a cold?)

How often do you get sick in one year?

How often do you go to the doctor’s?

How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?

How would you recommend treating a cold?

If a company sells the public a product they know to be harmful or addictive, should they be held responsible for the use of that product even if the government approves it?

If you smoke, how old were you when you started smoking?

If you were President of Korea, what would you do to improve Koreans’ health?

Should smoking in restaurants be banned?

What are some things people can do to keep healthy?

What are some things that cause stress?

What are some ways to deal with stress?

What are some ways you know that you can personally keep yourself healthy?

What disease frightens you the most? Why?

What do you do to stay healthy?

(What are some things you do to keep healthy?)

What do you do, if you can’t get to sleep?

What do you think about abortion? Why do some people support it and others are against it?

What do you think about getting old?

What do you think is the most serious health problem in Korea?

What do you think of cosmetic surgery? Do you know anyone who has had cosmetic surgery? Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?

What drinks to you think are healthy? What drinks do you think are unhealthy?

What foods to you think are healthy? What foods do you think are unhealthy?

What is the best way to find a doctor, if you’re new in the area?

What is the best way to stop smoking?

What is the most horrible accident you have ever had?

What is the average age of people in your country

What kind of pollution is the most risky?

What time did you go to bed when you were a child?

What’s the best way to stop smoking?

What’s the highest temperature you’ve ever had?

What’s your blood type?

When did you last take a bath?

When was the last time you went to a dentist?

When was the last time you went to a doctor?

When was the last time you went to a hospital?

When was the last time you were sick?

When you were in high school, how many days of school did you miss each year because of sickness?

Who do you think is responsible for the care of your health–you yourself, your parents, or your doctor and medical people?

Who is the healthiest person in your family? Who is the least healthy?

Why do people smoke?

Would you consider donating your organs after your death?

What is the health service like in your country?

What do you think of the health service in this country?

How can the health service be improved?

Have you been to hospital since you arrived here?

What do you know about the SARS virus?

What do you know about AIDS?

What do you know about the common cold?

What is alternative medicine?

Have you ever practiced alternative medicine?

What treatments or remedies do you follow when you have a cold?

which kind of medicine do you prefer to take when you are sick?

How often do you clean your bathroom?

Do you clean as often as your parent cleaned when you were a child?

Which parent did/does most of the cleaning in your household?

How old were you when you had start helping with the dishes/laundry/vacuuming/dusting/?

Were the chores divided equally between men and women?

Do people in your country usually wear deodorant?

How often do people in your country shower?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner cleaned too much or too little?

Have you ever ended a relationship because your partner had bad hygiene?

Do you enjoy cleaning? Which kind of cleaning do you enjoy most?

How often do you brush your teeth?

Have you ever swept something under the rug?

Do you use strong cleaners like bleach and ammonia?

Have you ever bought a miracle cleaner from a TV infomercial?

What’s the best way to get stains out?

What alternative health therapies do you know about?

Have you ever tried any alternative health therapies?

Do you think traditional medicine is a good alternative to modern medicine?

In what circumstances should traditional or alternative medicine be used?

Do you think traditional therapies are compatible with modern medicine? Why or why not?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of modern medicine?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of traditional medicine?

What do you complain of?

What is wrong with you?

Have you any appetite?

How long have you been ill?

Have you any pain the back of your head?

How long has it been since you began to feel bad?

Have you a bitter taste in your mouth?

Do you feel nauseous?

Do you sleep well?

Is it hard to swallow?

Do we need to eat as much junk food as we do?

Have you ever realized during a dream that it is a dream; and have you then been able to change events in that dream?

Do you think the government is doing all it can to prevent disease?

What do you think of wellness institutions and their programs?

How do you deal with stress?

  • Do you think you have a healthy life style?
    • Is it possible to have a healthy life style in modern world?
    • Why do many people try to have a healthy life style?
    • What is the main purpose of it?
  • What is healthy food?
    • Do you pay much attention to what you eat?
    • Do you think it is more important for you to eat healthy or tasty food?
  • Do you try to eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner at a certain time every day?
  • Do you have a snack every time you are hungry or do you wait for the lunch or dinner?
  • Do you agree with the saying: “Eat your breakfast, share your lunch with a friend and give your dinner to your enemy”? Why do people say so?
  • What is healthy about not eating after 6 p.m?
    • Are you a success?
  • Is obesity a great problem in where you live?
    • What are the most efficient ways to loose weight?
  • Do you think diets are useful or not?
    • Have you ever tried to go on a diet?
    • What kind of diet was it?
    • Did it work?
  • Is physical activity (jogging, going to a gym, swimming pool) an important part of a healthy life style?
  • Can you tell a physically inactive person from someone who takes care of his\her physical condition?
  • What is your attitude to smoking?
    • What about passive smoking?
  • Is it hard to give up smoking?
    • What is the best way to give up smoking?
  • What is a healthy dose of alcohol?
    • What is the damage of alcohol abuse to health?
  • How many hours of sleep do you need daily?
  • Do you try to go to bed and get up at certain hours every day?
  • Do you often find yourself under stress?
  • What are the areas of your life where stress situations take place more often?
    • Work?
    • Family?
    • Relationships with friends?
    • While commuting to work?
  • How do you usually cope with stress?
  • Is there any connection between the person’s style of life and the duration of his life?
  • What do you prefer, to eat everything you like, drink a lot, smoke, have no physical exercise and die at the age of 60 or lead a healthy life and live until 100?
  • What do you do to relax after working hard or experiencing other challenging or stressful situations?
  • Do you think life is more stressful today than fifty years ago?
    • Than one hundred years ago?
    • Than in the distant past?
  • Has life been more stressful for you in Canada or in the country where you lived before? Why?
  • Have you ever practiced yoga?
    • If so, when was it, who was your teacher?
    • What was your experience like?
  • Have you ever done meditation?
    • If so, who was the teacher and what was their instruction?
    • What was your experience?
  • In what ways are mind and body connected?
  • Can you give some examples of how mind and body are connected, from your own experience.
  • What is stress?
  • What causes stress?
  • How does stress affect you?
  • Do you have a kind of red warning flag that indicates too much stress?
  • When you are stressful, how do you feel physically?
    • Do you feel tired during the day?
    • Can you sleep well at night?
    • Does your stomach hurt?
  • When you are stressed, how do you feel emotionally?
    • Do you feel nervous or worried about the stressful situation?
    • Do you get angry easily?
  • Have you ever helped someone who was feeling stressed?
    • What did you do?
    • What kind of advice did you give them?
    • Did you listen to them?
    • Who did most of the talking?
    • Did you take some actions to help them? If so, what were they?
  • Have you ever helped someone that you didn’t know?
  • What are qualities of a good counselor?
    • Is it necessary to have shared the same experience?
    • Is it important to be an expert?
    • Is it better to listen or to talk a lot when you counsel someone?
  • Do you think stress is ever good, useful, or necessary? Why or why not?
  • Do you play games, sports or do other activities that can be stressful?
  • Is stress good before an exam?
    • In what situations can stress be a good thing? Does stress ever make you feel more alive?
  • If you are playing a sport and your team is losing, does it give you extra energy?
  • Is your home life stressful?
    • Can you relax at home?
  • Do you enjoy having discussions about politics with other people who have different opinions?Personal Stress
  • Have you felt stress recently?
  • Did the stressful feeling last a long time or a short time?
  • Had the cause of the stress happened to you before or was this a new situation?
  • How often do you think you feel too much stress?
  • Do you feel too busy sometimes?
  • In what way does a too full schedule lead to stress?
  • Do you like being busy?
  • If you are very busy at work or at school, do you have ways to balance your life?
  • If you have nothing to do, do you enjoy yourself or do you get bored?
  • Does stress make it hard for you to think or act?
  • How can you judge what is the right amount of stress for you?
  • Is your stress caused by relationships with other people?
    • At work?
    • At school?
    • At home?
    • With best friends?
    • With partners?
    • Can you think of some examples?
  • Does stress come when you worry about your life?
  • Do you keep your worries a secret from other people?
  • Do you have anyone you can talk to when you are worried?
  • When did we start talking about stress as a psychological condition?
  • What do you do when you have stressStressful Situations
  • Are there situations that you find stressful?
  • Do you feel tense when you meet someone for the first time?
  • Do you get nervous if you have to make a speech?
  • Do you suffer from stress when you have too much work to do?
  • Do you work or study for long hours under stressful conditions?
  • Does the place you live have a low-stress environment?
  • Can you be alone as much as you like?
  • Can you be with friends as often as you like?
  • Is it easy for you to make decisions about important things?
  • Can you relax when you are sleeping away from home?
  • In what kinds of situations do you observe other people feeling stressed?
  • What are some situations that you enjoy?
  • What are some situations that make you feel stressful?
  • How can you eliminate stressful situations?
  • Can you plan a low-stress, cheap, one-day holiday?Controlling Stress
  • How do you relieve stress?
  • What stresses you out?
  • Do you have a stressful lifestyle?
  • How do you get control of a stressful situation that is getting too tough?
  • What is the “fight or flight” response?
    • How does it relate to stress?
  • Do you enjoy the feeling of being stressed?
  • If you are feeling stressed, what do you do?
  • Do you like to relax or be active when stressful?
  • Are you capable of relieving your stress or do you need help?
  • Can alcohol cure stress temporarily?Living Stress Free
  • How can you live a stress free life?
    • Can you give five suggestions that would be inexpensive?
    • Can you give five suggestions for children?
    • Can you give five suggestions for the wintertime?
  • Give us suggestions for making school life less stressful.
  • When stressful do you like to listen to a certain kind of music?
  • Does it help to go shopping or take a long walk?
  • Do you like to be alone or be with other people?
  • Do you eat more or eat less?
  • Do certain colors make you feel happier?
  • Do you always follow the same pattern to relieve stress or do you try different things?
  • What are some positive ways people deal with stress?
  • What are some negative ways people deal with stress?
  • How do you deal with stress?
  • What is the most stressful experience you have ever had?
  • When was the most stressful time of your life?
    • Did you learn anything from that experience?
  • What do you think is the greatest cause of stress for most people?
  • What is your greatest cause of stress?
  • Do you deal with stress differently that your parents do/did? If so, how?
  • Do you know of anyone who likes to break things or become violent when they are stressed? What have they broken? What kind of violence do they do?
  • What is the most stressful job you can think of?
  • What is the least stressful job you can think of?
  • Which would you choose?
    • A stressful job with very high pay or a relaxing job with considerably low pay? Why?
  • Is being single less stressful than married life?
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
  • How do you reduce stress in your life?
    • Do you think they would be considered good or bad ways of dealing with stress?
    Assorted Questions
  • Are you a member of a health spa/gym?
  • Are you afraid of needles?
  • Are you healthy?
  • Are your parents healthy?
  • Do think that you need to lose weight?
  • Do you always eat healthy food?
    • Is your diet healthy?
  • Do you bruise easily?
  • Do you catch a cold more than once a year?
  • Do you consider alcohol a drug?
  • Do you drink a lot?
  • Do you eat a lot of vegetables?
  • Do you eat lots of fruit?
  • Do you eat vegetables every day?
  • Do you ever get headaches?
    • Do you know anyone who suffers from migraine headaches?
  • Do you ever read magazines or news articles about health?
    • If yes, what subject(s) do you find the most interesting?
  • Do you exercise?
    • What kind of exercise do you do? How often do you exercise?
  • Do you go for regular medical check-ups?
  • Do you go to the dentist’s twice a year?
  • Do you have a lot of stress?
  • Do you normally go one doctor in particular or any available doctor?
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Do you have any scars?
  • Do you know anyone who suffers from backaches?
  • Do you know anyone with false teeth?
  • Do you often eat fast food?
  • Do you smoke?
    • If so, do you smoke more than two cigarettes a day?
  • Do you think smoking is not bad for your health?
  • Do you take medicine when you are sick?
  • Do you take vitamins or mineral supplements?
  • Do you take vitamins?
  • Do you think it is unhealthy to keep a cat in your home?
  • Do you think nuclear power is safe?
  • Do you think pets are good for a person’s health
  • Do you think that the tobacco companies should be held reasonably responsible for a person’s addiction to nicotine?
  • Do you think you are overweight?
  • Do you think you will live until a ripe old age? Why or why not?
  • Do you think you would be a good surgeon? Why or why not?
  • Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?
  • Do you usually get enough sleep?
  • Do you watch your weight? What foods do you think are healthy?
  • Have you ever been hospitalized? (Have you ever been in the hospital?)
  • Have you ever been to an acupuncturist?
    • What do you think of acupuncture?
  • Have you ever broken a bone?
  • Have you ever burned yourself with hot water?
  • Have you ever donated blood?
  • Have you ever gotten a black eye?
  • Have you ever had braces on your teeth?
  • Have you ever had stitches?
  • Have you ever sprained your ankle?
  • Have you ever taken a sleeping pill to get to sleep?
  • How can you reduce stress in your life?
  • How have you been feeling lately?
  • How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
  • How many hours of sleep do you usually get?
  • How often do you eat junk food?
  • What kinds of junk food do you eat?
  • How often do you exercise?
  • How often do you get a cold? (How often do you catch a cold?)
  • How often do you get sick in one year?
  • How often do you go to the doctor’s?
  • How often is garbage collected in your neighborhood?
  • How would you recommend treating a cold?
  • If a company sells the public a product they know to be harmful or addictive, should they be held responsible for the use of that product even if the government approves it?
  • If you smoke, how old were you when you started smoking?
  • If you were President of Korea, what would you do to improve Koreans’ health?
  • Should smoking in restaurants be banned?
  • What are some things people can do to keep healthy?
  • What are some things that cause stress?
  • What are some ways to deal with stress?
  • What are some ways you know that you can personally keep yourself healthy?
  • What disease frightens you the most? Why?
  • What do you do to stay healthy? (What are some things you do to keep healthy?)
  • What do you do, if you can’t get to sleep?
  • What do you think about abortion? Why do some people support it and others are against it?
  • What do you think about getting old?
  • What do you think is the most serious health problem in Korea?
  • What do you think of cosmetic surgery?
    • Do you know anyone who has had cosmetic surgery?
    • Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?
  • What drinks to you think are healthy?
    • What drinks do you think are unhealthy?
  • What foods to you think are healthy?
    • What foods do you think are unhealthy?
  • What is the best way to find a doctor, if you’re new in the area?
  • What is the best way to stop smoking?
  • What is the most horrible accident you have ever had?
  • What is the average age of people in your country
  • What kind of pollution is the most risky?
  • What time did you go to bed when you were a child?
  • What’s the best way to stop smoking?
  • What’s the highest temperature you’ve ever had?
  • What’s your blood type?
  • When did you last take a bath?
  • When was the last time you went to a dentist?
  • When was the last time you went to a doctor?
  • When was the last time you went to a hospital?
  • When was the last time you were sick?
  • When you were in high school, how many days of school did you miss each year because of sickness?
  • Who do you think is responsible for the care of your health?
    • yourself, your parents, or your doctor and medical people?
  • Who is the healthiest person in your family?
    • Who is the least healthy?
  • Why do people smoke?
  • Would you consider donating your organs after your death?
  • What is the health service like in your country?
  • What do you think of the health service in this country?
  • How can the health service be improved?
  • Have you been to hospital since you arrived here?
  • What do you know about the SARS virus?
  • What do you know about AIDS?
  • What do you know about the common cold?
  • What is alternative medicine?
  • Have you ever practiced alternative medicine?
  • What treatments or remedies do you follow when you have a cold?
  • Which kind of medicine do you prefer to take when you are sick?

Eye Contact 眼神接觸

Do you make eye contact while you are speaking English?

Why is making eye contact important?

Is making eye contact important in your culture?

What can you learn about a person by making eye contact?

Can you think of some situations where eye contact should not be made?

What is the difference between staring and making eye contact?

Why is making eye contact important in a job interview?

The eyes have been called “the window to the soul”. What do you think that means?

In USA culture we have many ‘rules’ about eye contact. These are unspoken and most North Americans are not aware that we have rules.

What is appropriate in your culture?

What is appropriate in this culture?

When you are telling some one something that you feel is important, what should your eye contact be.

Is it OK if they look at something else while you are talking?

Are there different rules for eye contact when you are addressing a person of higher status? Like the President or an elder?

If you do not make eye contact what does that mean?

If you make too much eye contact what does that mean?

If you were in love what kind of eye contact would you make?

If you were ashamed, what kind of eye contact would you make?

If you were lying, or not telling the whole truth, what would your eye contact be like?

If you were giving a speech or talking with a crowd what would your eye contact be like?

If you are talking with a child and you think they are lying, do you think you could tell by looking at their eyes?

How about an adult that you think is not telling the truth, could you tell by their eyes?

What are the rules for males and females talking to each other?

If a woman looks directly at a man is she being too forward or sexually aggressive?


Are You

Are you looking for anything in particular?


Are you lost?


Are you open after eight?


Are you out of your head/mind?


Are you paying attentions?


Are you ready to go?


Are you a sober (serious and calm) driver?


Are you still eating that chocolate?


Are you having dinner with us this evening?


Are you hurt?


Are you just going to stand there whole day?

Is There

  • Is there any parking in this area?
  • Is there anything I can get for you?
  • Is there any restaurant available?
  • Is there anything else I can help you with?
  • Is there anyone who can get me a glass of water?
  • Is there any prepayment penalty?

Do You

  • Do you smell something?
  • Do you speak French?
  • Do you serve meals?
  • Do you stock any fashion magazine?
  • Do you require a security deposit?
  • Do you sell household appliances here?
  • Do you think he has forgotten?
  • Do you accept credit cards?

Do You Have

  • Do you have car?
  • Do you have any friend in this area?
  • Do you have any question?
  • Do you have any recommendation?
  • Do you have any new idea?
  • Do you have any imported item?
  • Do you have branded goods?

Did You

  • Did you say anything?
  • Did you say anything to my friend?
  • Did you see any lion?
  • Did you see the show last night?
  • Did you take any picture?
  • Did you save the time?
  • Did you appear for exam?
  • Did you attend the seminar?


  • Can I smoke during the lecture?
  • Can we talk?
  • Can you believe your eyes?
  • Can you take our orders now?
  • Can you please check where my luggage is?
  • Can you just introduce yourself to other guests?
  • Can you describe the person who attacked you?
  • Can you do something about this?
  • Can you forgive me?
  • Can you fix this zipper?
  • Can I tell my friend about this matter?
  • Can we continue this session later?

娛樂 Entertainment

What is the most popular drama/comedy/game show in your country, and what is the story-line (drama) or format (game show)?


Do you like to watch cartoons?

What did you watch on TV yesterday?


What is one of your favorite TV shows?


Why do you like it?


Do you listen to classical music? Why or why not?


Have you ever been to a play? If so, when was the last time?


Have you ever been to Disneyland?


Have you ever been to the theater?


Have you ever hosted a party?


Have you ever tried water skiing?


Have you ever used a slot machine?


How far in advance do you begin planning a vacation?


How often do you go to parties?


How often do you read comic books?


How often do you visit museums? When was the last time?


Is gambling legal where you live?


Should books be censored?


Do you often go drinking? Where? Who with? How often?


Should movies be rated? Explain.


What are some forms of gambling people do in your country?


What are some games that you don’t like to play? Why?


What are some good books that you have read?


What is the best book you have ever read?

What are some of the good movies you have seen?

What are some of the most popular amusement parks in your country?

What are some things you can do without spending a cent?

What computer games have you played?

Which do you think are not so interesting?

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you like to do on a night out?

What do you think of soccer? (baseball, hang gliding, …)

What games are popular in your country? Why are they popular?

What is your favorite game? Why?

What is your favorite holiday? Why?

What kind of music do you like?

What kind of things do you like to read?

What singer would you most like to meet?

What was the last book you read?

What’s the most popular holiday in your country?

When is it?

How is it celebrated?

What’s your favorite magazine? (What are some of your favorite magazines?)

When do you usually listen to the radio?

Where do you usually read?

Who are some of the famous actors and musicians in your country?

Who are some of your favorite actors and actresses?

Who do you think is the funniest comedian?

Who is the most popular entertainer in your country?

Who is your favorite author?

Who is your favorite comedian?

Who is your favorite musician?

Who is your favorite female singer?

Who is your favorite male singer?

Who is your favorite guitarist?

Who is your favorite writer? (author)

Why do some people gamble?

Would you rather go to a bar or a nightclub?

What do you do for fun?


How many English authors can you name?

How many of Shakespeare’s plays can you name?

Have you read a translation of any English books in your language?

Have you ever read an English translation of a book originally written in your language?

What sort of books do you enjoy reading?

Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction?

What is your favorite book?

Who is your favorite writer?

Have you ever read a book and then seen a film of that book?

Did you read books when you were a child?

Do you like science-fiction books?

Do you like love stories?

Do you like historical stories?

Has seeing a film ever made you read the book it was based on?

Do you know any American writers?

How many books by Charles Dickens can you name?

Who are the most famous writers in your country?

How many books do you read per year?

What makes a ‘classic’ book?

How do you believe literature can help you to get familiar with a culture?

Do you think that books are a thing of the past?

What are some of the main differences between a novel and a short story?

How many books do you read per week?

About how many books do you have in your house?

Do you have a library card?

Are you a member of any public library?

Do you prefer reading books or short stories?

Who is your favorite character from literature?

Do you like to write your own short stories?

Do you keep a journal?

What sort of books do you enjoy reading?

Which book have you read recently?

Do you give books to your friends as a present?

If so, what was the last book you gave?

Why did you choose that book?

Some people say that “books are best friends”. Is that true for you?

Do you have your own library? If so, does that mean you like books?

Some people don’t read books or read very rarely, Why?

Are book prices too high to buy in your hometown?

What about authors? Are you selective about authors?

Who is your favorite author?

What is your favorite “quote”?

What literature course did you like best in college?

Why is literature important in our lives?

What kinds of literature do you enjoy?

Do you like literature from other countries as well? If so, what kind?

Do you like authors from other countries as well? If so, who?

Do you like titles from other countries as well? If so, which ones?

What kinds of books or which authors don’t you like?

Tell us a little about a book you have read recently?

Did you enjoy it?

How long did it take to read?

Briefly, what was the story about?

鼓勵 encourage

What do you do to encourage yourself when going through hard times? Does it work?

Who do you talk to for encouragement and inspiration?

What books offer encouragement and inspiration?

Which of your family members encourage you most? How?

How can discouragement help us to grow?

What do you do when you feel depressed?

What could someone do to encourage you when you feel depressed?

What are some saying in your country that bring encouragement?

What’s the most encouraging book you’ve ever read?

Which is better a word of encouragement or a letter of encouragement? Why?

Is time a weapon to fight discouragement with? Why? How?

How can you motivate others our yourself to have hope when there seems like there’s no hope?

Should people just accept whatever comes there way?

What are some ways you feel you can make a difference in this world.

How can you make this world a better place?

How would you encourage a homeless bun who had no friends or relatives?

If you suddenly became handicapped, how would you encourage yourself and others?

What song encourages you most?

Who’s music encourages you most?

What television show encourages you most?

What person has inspired you the most? How?

What celebrity has inspired you most? How

What’s your favorite encouraging saying?

Do you encourage others when you see them crying? How?

What would you want someone to do for you if you were crying publicly because you were deeply hurt inside?

How can you fight discouraging thoughts about yourself?

When should you see a counselor or psychologist?

Can church, temples, mosque or other religious places help bring someone encouragement or inspiration?

What religious books do people turn to for encouragement and inspiration.

How can you make yourself believe more in yourself.

教育 education

Where did you go to kindergarten?

Where did you go to elementary school?

Where did you go to junior high school?

Where did you go to high school?

Did you go to college or university?

Where did you go?

What did you study?

How many years did you go?

Did you work while you went there?

Did you enjoy going to elementary school?

Does your country have middle schools?

What is the age that children begin school?

How old are students they when they graduate?

Did you go to a good high school?

What do you remember about your teachers?

Who was your favorite teacher?

What teacher impressed you the most?

Do you still stay in touch with your teachers?

Did you have any teachers you didn’t like?

How many students were in your high school?

Describe the students who attended your high school.

Did they have a good influence on you?

Did they make your childhood and teenage years harder or easier?

Were there cliques in your high school? Were there gangs?

Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with?

What subjects were you good at?

What subjects were you bad at?

Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?

Do you know anyone who attended a private school? Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?

Did you attend college?

If you did, what made you decide to go to the college you did?

Was it a good school?

How many students attended it?

How many students were in your biggest class? How many in your smallest class? Did you prefer small classes or big classes?

Was it harder to study in college than in high school? How does college compare to high school? What advice would you give a high school student who is about to go to college?

What did you major in? Why did you choose the major you did?

Did you live in a dormitory while you went to college? Who were your roommates?

Does your country provide a good public school system?

Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?

What realistic changes would you make to your country’s attitude toward education?

What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?

How many years did you attend college?

Did you study abroad?

Do the elite in your country attend one or two universities?

Do elite universities help or harm your country?

Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student – in elementary, middle or high school?

What are the skills that separate good students from bad students?

Were good grades important to you?

Did teachers grade students fairly? Did you ever feel like you should have gotten a better grade then you did in a class?

Did you procrastinate studying? Did you ever pull an all nighter?

Did you study with other students?

Did classmates talk to each other much before or after class?

Did you skip class very often?

Do college professors give students syllabuses at the beginning of term? Were you clear on what professors expected of you?

Are college tuitions reasonable in your country? Is it easy to get scholarships or government grants?

Are there good colleges in your country?

Do many people in your country study abroad?

Are there any subjects you wanted to study but they weren’t available at your school?

Are women encouraged to pursue education?

Are straight-A students smarter than others or just better at memorizing things? Did you really learn in school or did you just memorize information and pass tests?

Do you know anyone who does not know how to read or write?

Do you think teachers are paid enough? Do you think teachers are well educated?

Do you think your teachers gave too much homework? How much homework should teachers assign students?

Did you ride a bus or walk to school?

Was school ever canceled for a day when you were a child?

Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?

Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?

Does education guarantee a good job?

What are the qualities of a good student?

What are the qualities of a good teacher?

Why do you think people become teachers?

How much free time does a high school student in your country have?

Do parents home-school their children in your country?

What do you think of home schooling?

Do you know anyone who was home schooled?

Do you wish you had been home schooled?

Are teachers the only ones qualified to teach children? What makes someone qualified to teach children?

Can parents influence their children’s schools? What can a parent do if he or she disapproves of a teacher’s decision?

Do children have a right to an education? Should education be free?

Does your country provide a good public school system?

What improvements does the school system need?

Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?

If a school gets more money, will the quality of education always improve?

What would happen if public schools were abolished? Could children still get an education?

Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?

What are some ways a person can continue to learn?

Are college graduates smarter than people who did not go to college?

Would you ever vote for a politician who did not attend college?

Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities? Do elite universities help or harm your country?

What realistic changes would you make to your country’s attitude toward education?

Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat?

What is your attitude towards cheating? How should parents react? How should teachers react?

Where do we learn the skills necessary to become a good student – in elementary, middle or high school?

Should people go straight from school to a university, or do something different?

What is a “genius”?

Do teachers sometimes teach things that are not important?

Are there things your school does not teach that you think it should?

Are school uniforms good to have? Why or why not?

Would you ever want to learn a third language?

How important is curiosity in a student?

Can you teach someone who has no desire to learn?

What do you think about a gap year, is this something you would consider?

Should people go straight from school to University, or do something different?

Do you think it is necessary that there are windows in the classroom to provide for a proper learning atmosphere?

What do you wish your teachers understood about you?

Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?

What do you consider to be a “smart” or “slow” person?

Are things your school teaches that you think are not important?

Are school uniforms good to have? Why/why not?

Do prefer school uniforms or casuals better?

Would you ever want to learn a third language? [To be “trilingual”]

What do you consider “hardworking” or ‘lazy”?

What is the role of schools in society?

Do you enjoy going to school? If so, why if not why?

What does your education mean to you?

What do you think the advantages and disadvantages of state and private schools are?

What would you do if you saw someone with a gun at school?

Are college tuitions reasonable?

Are foreign languages part of the curriculum? If so, which languages?

Are most schools coeducational in your country?

Are there any subjects/classes you wanted to study but they weren’t available at your school/college?

Do you have difficulty with school work?

Do you think teachers are paid enough?

Do you think your school is a good one? Why/why not?

Do you think your teachers give too much homework?

Do you think public speaking can improve your english?

How can we improve our classroom?

Why English is hard to learn at university level?

How do you travel to school?

How long must you go to college to get a degree?

How much is too much homework? How should the homework load be managed?

If you have not attended college, do you plan on doing so?

What are some good ways to learn English?

What are some important factors in determining which college to attend?

What classes would you take?

What do you study? What’s your major?

What is the average age of a high school graduate?

What is your favorite class?

What was (or is) your favorite subject? Why do you like it?

Who selects the college you will attend — you or your parents?

Why are you studying a foreign language?

Why is it helpful to learn a Second language ?

Why is it sometimes very difficult to speak another language?

Would you consider studying abroad?

Do parents home-school their children in your country?

What do you think of home-schooling?

Do you know anyone who was home-schooled?

Do you think that most parents influence what university their child will attend?

Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?

What are some ways a person can continue to learn?

Which is more important, the essential skills in life you’ve learned to develop on your own or the artificial structure in college about the “real” life?

Which high schools and colleges are the best in your country?

Which high schools and colleges are not so good in your country?

We should not just prepare for life, but live it. Do you agree?

What kind of world do you think this would be if people never went to school?

Should education be free?

Do the elite in your country attend only one or two universities?

Do your children attend US schools? If so, how do their schools differ from those your children attended back home?

Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?

Why do students cheat during tests and exams?

How do they cheat?

What is your attitude towards cheating?

What are the dangers of cheating?

How should parents react?

How should teachers react?

What is the role of school and decision makers?

What skills separate good students from bad students?

Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different?

Do you think a person can become a genius, or are they just born that way?

Are things that your school teaches you that you think are not important?

Do prefer school uniforms or casuals clothes better?

復活節 easter

Why do we celebrate Easter?

Do you celebrate Easter in your country?

How do you celebrate Easter in your country?

Do you have any special family traditions?

Did the original meaning of Easter get lost?

Do you know the meaning of Easter?

Do you celebrate Easter?

What do you do to celebrate it?

Do you consider it an important holiday? Why or why not?

Do you think it used to be more important than it is today? Why or why not?

What are the 40 days before Easter called?

What special activities or events happen in those 40 days?

Do you observe these 40 days?

What is the Sunday before Easter called?

What is it remembering?

What is the Friday before Easter called?

What is it remembering?

Do you think most people consider Easter time a religious celebration? Why or why not?

How do you think the Easter bunny and hiding colored eggs came to be part of the celebration of Easter?

Do you think it is wrong to associate religious holidays with other types of things, like Easter and the bunny?

Christmas and Santa Claus?

菸 & 毒品 Drugs 賭博

Do you think alcohol is a drug?

What is alcoholism?

Do you know of any alcoholics?

How do you stop being an alcoholic?

Do you know how much alcohol is in beer?

Do you know how much alcohol is in whiskey?

What are some of the characteristics of drunk people?

Is alcohol addictive? What about tea, coffee, and chocolate?

Should marijuana be illegal?

Do you think marijuana should be legal or illegal? Support your opinion with facts.

Why do you think marijuana is illegal?

Is marijuana grown in your country?

What are some ways drug users use marijuana?

Do you think tobacco companies would like to sell marijuana?

Why do you think that tobacco is a legal drug?

Are any of your friends addicted to tobacco?

What are the different ways to use tobacco?

Do you know anyone who smokes a pipe?

What is the difference between pipe tobacco and cigarette tobacco?

What do you think about chewing tobacco?

Is there any difference between “soft” drugs such as marijuana and “hard” drugs like crack, heroin, cocaine etc?

Is ecstasy a soft or a hard drug?

Should there be punishments for dealing drugs?

Should there be punishments for using drugs?

Should drug dealers get the death penalty?

If heroin were legal, would there be less crime? For example, burglary and robbery.

Are some people more easily addicted to drugs than others?

Do some people have addictive personalities?

If you are addicted to drugs, what should you do?

What else can people become addicted to?

Why are some drugs more addicting than others?

Why do some people get addicted when others do not?

What happens in the brain of a person that causes addiction?

Do you know how much illegal drugs cost?

Do you think it is easy to buy illegal drugs where you live?

Which is worse, a peaceful drug addict or a violent non-addict?

Should pregnant women be arrested for child abuse if they use drugs when they are pregnant which may affect the baby?

Should women be prevented legally from drinking any alcohol or smoking when pregnant?

Do you think it is a good idea to have safe, legal injecting rooms for intravenous drug users, where they can use clean equipment and sterile water?

Cancer patients find that marijuana stops their pain. Should it be legal for them?

Do you think experimenting with alcohol and cigarettes leads to experimenting with harder drugs?

Do you think ecstasy is dangerous?

At what age should it be legal to drink and smoke?

Do we use too many prescription drugs?

What are natural remedies?

Are natural remedies like homeopathy and herbal medicine drugs too?

Do we give too many prescribed drugs to children?

Why is the cost of prescription drugs so high?

Have you ever used a prescription drug without a prescription?

What do you think society ought to do about people who spend most of their time and money getting high on illegal drugs? Why?

Should employers be allowed to “drug test” their employees?

Why do you think people start using drugs?

What should happen to babies who are born addicted to drugs?

What would you do if someone in your family were addicted to drugs?

What do you know about drugs?

What are some dangerous drugs?

What drugs do you think are useful?

What drugs are addicting?

Do you think that marijuana should be legal for medical uses with a prescription from a doctor?

What does crack cocaine do to your body?

What does it do to your mind?

What will happen if you keep on using?

How do you stop yourself from using it? / How does an addict quit using it?

What kind of drugs are the most popular in your country?

What kind of “legal” drugs are the most popular?

Are we as a society addicted to legal drugs?

In your culture, what are some home remedies for:


Why do people take drugs if there know it is bad for them?

Who do you think pressure people to do drugs?

Why do people buy drugs?

Can you legally use drugs in your country?

What happens to an addict who goes into a rehab center?

What is the influence of drugs in your community?

How can you help a drug addict?

Do you think that soft drugs lead to hard drug use?

How can drugs help a person?

Do you agree that”once an addict,always an addict”?

  • Do you play the lottery?
  • What kind of lottery do you play?
  • Do you play football pools?
  • Do you play slot machines?
  • How many forms of gambling as you can think of?
  • What percentage of people do you think gamble?
  • What do you think is the most amount of money that different people loose? E.g. An average person or a big gambler?
  • Do you bet? How often? What’s the biggest bet you ever placed?
  • Apart from the obvious financial problem what other consequences can occur as a result of excessive gambling?
  • Who suffers the most from a gambling problem?
  • Apart from the obvious reason of winning money, why do people gamble?
  • Why is gambling addictive?
  • Do you think it could be genetic?
  • What kinds of people do you think are more prone to developing a gambling problem?
  • Do you think there is gender difference?
  • At what age do people generally start gambling?
  • What’s the usual age limit for gambling games?
  • Do you regard putting money in machines for prizes, at an amusement arcade, as gambling?
  • Is there such a thing as good and bad luck? If so, what is it?
  • Does luck have anything to do with winning?
  • Do you think it’s possible for a gambling addict to kick the habit?
  • What help is available for addicts?
  • What techniques can you think of that may help an addicted gambler quit?
  • Should some forms of gambling be banned?
  • Do you think that those who own and run casinos are criminals or conmen?
  • Does the national lottery encourage gambling?

歧視 Discrimination

Do you usually remember your dreams? Why or why not? Describe some of them.

What was your nicest dream that you can remember?

Talk about the most recent dream you can remember that you have had in the past.

Talk about a recurring dream that you have had in the past.

How do you interpret a dream? Do you use your intuition/imagination to understand it?

Do you usually read books on dream interpretation? What is your opinion on it?

Do you generally have pleasant dreams or nightmares?

Have you ever had nightmares? What were they like?

What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?

What is “prophecy”?

Have you ever had or heard of a dream that foretold the future?

Did you know that Abraham Lincoln supposedly foresaw his own assassination in a dream? What do you think about it?

Have you ever dreamed about dead people? Is it a good signal? Why/Why not?

Have you ever dreamt about dead friends or relatives? How was it? How did you feel?

There is a movie called “The Cell” with Jenifer Lopez – It is about dreams – Have you ever watched this film? Would you like to see it? Why/Why not?

Are dream messages sent from our unconscious, predictions of the future, or the brain’s way of cleaning out information?

Some people say that dreaming about losing money means that you will receive it. Have you ever heard this? What other sayings about dreams do you know?

Do your dreams ever affect your moods? Explain.

Do you usually dream in black and white or in color?

What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that you don’t speak?

Have you ever woken up from a dream “in a cold sweat”?

Do you believe that dreams can sometimes predict the future?

Has anyone told you if you have walked or talked in your sleep?

Here is a list of dream images. What might they represent?

a road

the sky


a garden

an open door

a light





being chased

speaking with a dead relative


When you were a child, what was your dream for the future? Has it changed?

Do you remember what you dream about in your sleep?

What is your dream for the future?

Have your dreams for your future changed?

Do you tell people about your dreams?

Do you think you can achieve your dreams?

If you had lots of money what would you do with it?

Do you think that having a lot of money can make you happy?

Do you think that having dreams and aspirations is a waste of time?

Do you believe in deja vu?

What is a daydream?

What is the difference between our daydreams and our dreams at night?

Are some kinds of thoughts and dreams similar?

What’s the difference between our everyday life and dreaming while we are sleeping?

Do you agree with the idea that “Life is like a dream”?

What language do you dream in? Have you ever dreamt in a language that

Do you agree with the idea that “Life is like a dream”?


Do you have a handicap?

Do you know anyone with a handicap?

What are some handicaps that people have?

Have you ever parked in the handicapped parking area?

How are handicapped people treated in your country?

What do you feel when you see a handicapped person?

What can you do to help handicapped people?

Does your country have special training facilities for handicapped people?

What are some types of disabilities?

Did you ever know someone with a disability?

What was it like to work/talk/play with them?

Were they smarter or less smart than yourself?

How would you feel to find out your best friend was _______? (going blind, going deaf, losing their legs, etc)

How would you feel to find out you were _______? (going blind, going deaf, losing their legs, etc)

Do disabled people have anything of value to add to society?

If you see or meet a disabled person, what actions should you take?

What are ways that disabled people can compensate for their weakness?After a blindfolded walk, relying on a partner…

How did you feel starting the walk?

Did you trust your partner?

How do you feel now? How do you feel about your partner? (closer/more trusting…fearful)

What did you learn about disabled people?

What are things you had to do because you were blind?

diet 節食

Have you ever been on a diet?


How do you know if you are fat?


What is the best way to diet?


Do you think dieting can be dangerous?


Do you think fiber is important in your diet?


What kind of fiber is the best when you are trying to lose weight?


Do you think protein is important in a balanced diet?


What is a good source of protein?


Do you think people who are fat can be happy?


Do you think people are in general are gaining weight or losing weight?

What kind of diet would you recommend to your friend?

What kind of diet would recommended for an older person(40’s) and a younger person(teens)?

What is the difference between diet and a healthy diet?

Is there a difference between being thin and being healthy? Which one is better?

Do you think being slim equals beautiful?

Do you think there is more pressure now for teens to look slimmer?

In what way can diet influence our appearance and personality?

Death 死亡

What causes death?

Are “Living Wills” available where you live?

Are there special rites or ceremonies performed when a person dies?

Are you afraid of death?

Do you believe in life after death?

Do you often think of death?

Do you think that there is anything worth dying for?

Do you want to know the date of your death? Why or why not?

How do you cope with the death of someone special?

Is organ donation or transplants an option where you live?

Is physician assisted suicide an option in your country?

Would you consider physician assisted suicide if you were suffering a painful dying experience?

Is the death of a loved one considered a joyful or a sorrowful occasion?

Is there any person you would die for in order to save? Who is it?

What are some ways which you can help a family which has just experienced the death of a family member.

What should you say to someone who has lost a loved one?

What are your beliefs pertaining to a person’s soul once they have died?

What do you think of suicide?

What do you think would happen if there were no death for human beings?

What do you think would happen if people never died?

What happens to a person’s remains after death? Cremation? Burial? Etc.

What is the mourning process?

What is the mourning process?

Where do we go when we die?

Would you want your cremated remains to be part of a fireworks show?

Who do you think would mourn for you after your death?

If you were on death row, what would you request for your last meal?

Who would you want to watch you be executed?

If you could choose how you were going to die, what would you choose your death to be?

What do you think of cryogenics?

Would you like to have your body frozen, so that you could be thawed out and brought back to life sometime in the future?

Do you think it will ever be possible?

If you had the option of freezing your body in hopes that science would some day be able to bring you back to life, would you do it?

Why are so many people afraid of death, when it is unavoidable?

What would happen if you died?

On account of your beliefs or some other reason, do you look forward to dying?

Have you ever had to put a pet to sleep?

Do you believe that you will be born again?

Why is facing death a difficult experience?

How does a person cope with death of a friend or loved one?

What are some reactions to death of a friend?

How do your national customs surrounding death reflect the values of your country?

What should you say or not say to a friend who is facing death?

What should you say or not say to a friend who has lost a friend?

What are funerals like in your country?

What are some funeral customs in your country?

What is the suicide hotline in your community?

Is there a suicide hotline in the area where you live?

Do you know someone who has died from a traffic accident?

Do you know someone who has died from a from disease?

What was your reaction?

How did you feel?

When have you visited a hospital?Who did you visit?

What sights, smells, sounds did you notice when you visited the hospital?

  • How did you feel about your visit?

How can you help someone who is dying?How do you tell someone that someone they know has died?What are some useful euphemisms for telling someone that someone they know has died?

  • What are some other words for death? An example is “passed away”.

Do you believe in God?Do you think people should be cremated or buried?Has anyone close to you ever passed away?What is grief?Do you think the grieving process is different for different ages?Have you known someone who had an extended sickness before death?Have you ever lost someone close to you?Have known anyone who has committed suicide?

  • What would be your reaction?
  • What would you say to that person’s friends?

What is hospice?

  • Do you have hospice services in your country?
  • How quickly is someone buried or cremated after death?
  • What expenses are involved in burying or cremating someone?
  • What measures are taken in your country to ensure that no stigma is associated with the burial of poor people?

Are coffins displayed on the street entrance to funeral parlors in your country?Is it appropriate for funeral directors to advertise their services?

  • How can this be done?

If you were given the chance to have someone die with you, who would that person be?

  • How would you want to die?

Have you ever thought you’d like to die?How does it feel when your loved one dies and you were unable to see them for the last time?Have you ever been to a funeral where a family member of the deceased sung a song, read a letter or read a poem?

  • Have you ever done something like that at someone’s funeral?

Would you want to know if you were dying and if so, would you want to know how long you had to live?

  • Would you want to know the exact day of your death?

If there were five of your friends drowning, which one would you save first?If you are married or have a life partner would you expect them to move on after you die.

  • If so how long should they wait?

Do you have hospice services in your country?Do you know anyone who died for a few seconds or minutes but came to life again?

  • What do you think about the stories these people tell?

Who has died that you know?Have you had a pet die?What is the worst way of dying?What is the ideal way to die?Do you believe in out-of-body experiences?Are you afraid of losing one of your relatives all of a sudden?Would you like it if someone sung you a song or read a poem about you, or a letter to you, at your funeral?What kind of funeral arrangements would you make for yourself if you knew you were dying?How long do you expect you spouse or life partner to wait before they move on after your death?Do you have a bucket list?What happens when is embalmed?

Perhaps not a useful question, but it was submitted.Would you like to die?

Dating 約會

Describe a perfect date.


Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?


Describe the character of the person you would like to date?


Do you “go Dutch” when dating?


Is it usual for people in your country to ‘go Dutch’ if you go out together?


Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girls/boys?


Do you believe in love at first sight?


Do you know what a ‘blind date’ is?


Have you ever been on a blind date?


Do you drive or take the train when dating?


Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?


Where did you meet your him/her?


What does he/she look like?


Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner?


Have you ever had a crush on someone?


Have you ever hated loving someone?


Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships?


How often would you like to go out on dates?


How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend?


Where did you go?


What did you do?


Is there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you?


If you could go out with anyone, who would it be?


What are some popular places to go on a date?


What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend?


What do you like to talk about when on a date?


What do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend?


What do you think most people talk about when dating?


What kind of clothes do you wear on a date?


What was the most interesting date you’ve ever been on?


What would you consider “the perfect date” for you?


Would you mind if your boyfriend/girlfriend went out to party without you?


Would you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person?


At what age do you think that dating should begin?


Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?


Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart? Do you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart?


What is your definition of love?


Would you wait on a person you were dating for a long time if they joined the army?


How about if they went to prison?


What do you think about dating a friend’s ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?


Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with you?


Have you heard of any successful “love potions?”


Can you control your partner by playing games?


When should you introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents? (when you begin dating, after you have been together for a while, only when the relationship is serious) Why?


Do you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in your classes?


How long does it take for dating to become a relationship?


Is it important to be punctual in your first date? Why?


What kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?


Do you think that age difference is important when dating?


Would your parents have a problem if you married someone much older or younger than you? Would it make a difference if that person were rich?


Do you like to flirt? If so, what do you usually do? Where? With whom? Why?


Do you ever set your friends up on blind dates? If so, have you had much success?


Do you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone special? Why or why not?


Do you have any expectations for your partner?

What is a perfect date for you?

Do younger girls/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys?

Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet?

Where did you meet your him/her?

What does he/she look like?

How old were you when you went on your first date? Where did you go?What did you do? Who did you go with?

What kind of boy/girl do you like?

Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?

Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart?

Are you still in contact?

Would you like to see your first love again?

Do you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart?

How about if they went to prison?

Have you heard of any successful “love potions?”

Have you ever returned a gift to your boyfriend or girlfriend and later find out that he has given it to his/her new mate?

When should you introduce your boyfriend/girlfriend to your parents?

When you begin dating.

After you have been together for a while.

Only when the relationship is serious?


What kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?

Do you think that age difference is important when dating?

Do you consider withholding information from your significant other lying?

Should you sleep with your friends?

Do you like to have boyfriend or girlfriend in your school or in your classes?

What do you think about internet dating?

Do you know anybody who does internet dating?

Have you heard of any successful relationships through internet dating?

Would you consider trying it yourself?

Have you ever met the man/woman of your dreams when you were on vacation?

  • About how many guests attended your wedding?
    • How many guests would you invite to your wedding?
  • At what age do most people in your country get married?
  • At what age do you want to get married?
    • At what age did you get married?
  • Describe a perfect date.
  • Describe the appearance of the person you would like to date?
  • Describe the character of the person you would like to date?
  • Do women usually work after getting married in your country?
  • Do you “go Dutch” when dating?
  • Do you know what it means to ‘go Dutch’?
  • Is it usual for people in your country to ‘go Dutch’ if you go out together?
  • Do older girls/boys have a problem dating younger girls/boys?
    • Do younger girls/boys have a problem dating older girls/boys?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight?
    • Do you think some people know that they will fall in love with someone the first time they meet?
  • Do you know what a ‘blind date’ is?
  • Have you ever been on a blind date?
  • Did you ever arrange a blind date?
  • Do you drive or take the train when dating?
  • Do you get along with your in-laws?
  • Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
    • Where did you meet your him/her?
    • What does he/she look like?
  • Do you know anyone who has had an arranged marriage?
  • Do you know someone who has gotten a divorce?
  • Do you know the difference between love and like?
    • Can you still love your partner and not like him/her?
  • Do you think a boy should pay for everything on a date?
  • Do you think arranged marriages are a good idea? Why or why not?
    • What is your opinion of arranged marriages?
  • Do you think fairy tales influence our choice of a partner?
  • Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?
  • Do you think if you get married that you will change?
  • Do you think it is better to be single or to be married?
  • Do you think it is good to get married?
  • Do you think it is okay for a couple to live together before getting married? Why or Why not?
  • Do you think it is okay to marry someone of a different race?
  • Do you think it is okay to marry someone with a different religion?
  • Do you think it’s OK for a man to have two wives?
  • Do you think it’s OK for a wife to have two husbands?
  • Do you think it’s okay for a man to have a mistress?
  • Do you think it’s okay for a man to hit his wife?
  • Do you think love is necessary to have a good marriage?
  • Do you think marriage is necessary?
  • Do you think marriages based on love are more successful than arranged marriages?
  • Do you think marriage is very stressful for women? How about for men?
  • Do you think people change after getting married?
  • Do you think religion influences marriage? If so, in what ways?
  • Do you think that all adults should be married?
  • Do you think that you can you find eternal love through the Internet?
  • Do you want a husband or wife who is older, younger or the same age as you?
  • Do you want to have children?
    • If so, how many?
  • Have you ever been to a school dance?
  • Have you ever had a crush on someone?
  • Have you ever hated loving someone?
  • Have your parents ever disapproved of any of your relationships?
  • How long do you think couples should know each other before they get married?
  • How many children would you like to have?
  • How often would you like to go out on dates?
  • How old were you when you had your first boyfriend or girlfriend?
  • How old were you when you went on your first date?
    • Where did you go?
    • What did you do?
    • Who did you go with?
  • How old were your parents when they got married?
  • If your husband or wife has an affair what would you do?
  • If your parents did not approve of a person you loved and wanted to marry, would that be a difficult situation for you? Why or why not?
  • Is going out on dates important for you?
  • Is there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you?
  • If you could go out with anyone, who would it be?
  • If you are a man, and a woman asks you for a date, do you feel you should pay, or that the woman should pay?
  • If you had to marry either a poor man whom you really loved, or a rich man whom you did not love, which would you choose?
  • If you had to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don’t love him back or to live alone for a rest of your life loving someone that doesn’t love you who would you choose?
  • What advice would you give to someone whose partner hates their best friend?
  • What age do you think is best for getting married?
  • What are some dating and marriage customs in your country?
  • What are some of the main reasons people get divorced?
  • What are some popular places to go on a date?
  • What are some qualities that you think are important in a spouse or partner?
  • What characteristics do you look for in a girlfriend or boyfriend?
  • What do you consider cheating in a dating relationship?
  • What do you like to talk about when on a date?
  • What do you look for in a girlfriend or a boyfriend?
  • What do you think most people talk about when dating?
  • What do you think of people who get divorced?
    • Would you ever consider getting divorced?
  • What do you think of same-sex marriages?
  • What do you think of single mothers?
  • What is a wedding ceremony like in your country?
  • What is the best way to keep your spouse happy in the marriage?
  • What kind of boy or girl do you like?
  • What kind of clothes do you wear on a date?
  • What kind of man do you want as a husband?
  • What kind of person do you want to get married to?
  • What kind of woman do you want as a wife?
  • What makes a good husband/wife?
  • What makes a happy marriage?
    • What do you think are some things that contribute to a successful marriage?
  • What qualities are important to you in a boyfriend or girlfriend?
  • What qualities in a partner are important to you?
  • What was the most boring date you’ve ever been on?
  • What was the most interesting date you’ve ever been on?
  • What would you consider “the perfect date” for you?
  • What would you do if your soon to be mother-in-law seems to hate you?
  • What would your parents think if you don’t get married?
  • When did your parents get married?
  • Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?
    • Where did you go for your honeymoon?
  • Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?
  • Where is a good pace to go on a date in this town?
  • Where would you like to go on a date?
  • Which is more important for you, your job or your marriage?
  • Why do people break up with their partners?
  • Will you continue working after you get married?
  • Would you date someone you really liked if your parents did not like him or her?
  • Would you ever marry someone who has been divorced twice?
  • Would you introduce your date to your family?
  • Would you live with your parents after you get married?
  • Would you marry someone from another country?
  • Would you marry someone ten years older than you? How about ten years younger than you?
  • Would you marry someone that your parents didn’t like?
  • Would you marry someone who couldn’t speak the same language as you speak?
  • Would you mind if your boyfriend or girlfriend went out to party without you?
  • Would you prefer to go out with a quiet or a talkative person?
  • At what age do you think that dating should begin?
    • Do you think there is any age when a person is too old to date?
  • Do you know a happily married couple?
  • Can you name a famous happily married couple?
  • What do you think is the most important ingredient in a good marriage?
  • How long is the marriage ceremony in your country?
  • Who designed the marriage covenant?
  • What do you think about dating a friend’s ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend?
  • Does your first love still hold a special place in your heart?
    • Do you believe that he or she will always have a special place in your heart?
  • What qualities do you look in your partner?
  • Do you think its possible to wait for the man or woman you love while he or she is in jail?
  • What is your definition of love?
  • Would you wait on a person you were dating for a long time if they joined the army?
    • How about if they went to prison?
  • What is the best season to get married?
  • Do you know anybody who has two families at the same time and supports them both?
  • How many families can you have in your country?
  • Are there any superstitions on making someone fall in love with you?
    • Have you heard of any successful “love potions?”
  • Have you ever returned a gift to your boyfriend or girlfriend and later find out that he has given it to his or her new mate?
  • Do you know of any superstitions connected with weddings?
  • Would it be important for you to have a “white wedding dress’?
  • Can you control your partner by playing games?
  • Why do you think the bride’s maids wear white.
  • When should you introduce your boyfriend or girlfriend to your parents?
    • When you begin dating
    • After you have been together for a while
    • Only when the relationship is serious?
    • Why?
  • Do you like to have boy friend or girl friend in your school or in your classes?
  • Do you think it is right to continue seeing a person if he has not introduced you to his family yet?
  • In your opinion is marriage for life?
    • Do you think when people get married it is really until death?
  • How long does it take for dating to become a relationship?
  • Is it important to be punctual in your first date? Why?
  • Would you dress up for a first date? What clothes would you wear?
  • What kind of place do you think is the ideal for a first date? Why do you think so?
  • What are your country’s norms or laws on displays of public affection?
    • Do you think it is okay for couples to kiss in public?
  • How would you feel if your boyfriend liked to keep company with a female friend when you’re not there?
  • How would you feel if your girlfriend liked to keep company with a male friend when you’re not there?
  • If you could go back to your past love, and change what went wrong, who would it be?
  • Who do you love?
  • If you had to choose to live with someone who truly loves you but you don’t love him back or to live alone for a rest of your life loving someone that doesn’t love you what would you choose?
  • What would you change, if you are given only one chance to do it ?
  • Whose heart did you break most ? Did you apologize from him\her ?
  • Have you ever met someone you love a lot but never expressed it?
  • If your parents forced you to get married with a person who you don’t love, what would you do in this situation?
  • If your boyfriend/girlfriend dated another person, then he/she wanted to return and date you, would you date again?
  • If your boyfriend/girlfriend dated your close friend, what would you do?
  • Do you believe that having a permanent love between two person who are living in two different countries is possible?
  • Do you want your husband to know how you looked as a child? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe in love at first sight or love after the first night?

International Marriage

  • Would you marry someone of another nationality?
  • Are your parents of the same nationality?
  • What are some advantages of an international marriage?
  • What are some disadvantages?
  • Do you want to have an international marriage?
  • Do you know anyone who married someone from a different country? If yes, what is their experience like?
  • Do you think it is more difficult to marry someone from a different country?
  • How would your parents feel if you married someone from a different country?
  • Do you think that it is good for children to have parents from two different countries? Why? Why not?

The following question may be considered inappropriate in some situations.

  • Do you think that gay people should be allowed to marry?

文化衝擊 culture shock

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to “do as the Romans do”?


What is culture shock?


Have you ever experienced culture shock?


Have you ever experienced reverse culture shock?


What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?


What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture?


If you could choose three aspects of your culture to put in a “time box” for the future, what would you put in it?


On what occasions do you exchange flowers in your country?


Do you know much about your own culture?


What do you think is interesting about your own culture?


When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of?


What do you like most about your own culture?


What do you like least about your culture?


What does it mean to be polite in your culture?


What is considered rude in your culture?


What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?


How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people?


Are there people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends with any of them?


What other cultures have you met people from?


Who in your culture do you admire most?


What are the five most important values of your culture? (For example, Family)


What in your culture are you most proud about?


If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?


Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?


Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not?


If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them?

What culture besides your own do you admire? Why?

If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them?

What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?

What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture?

What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, …

文化 culture

  • What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, …
  • What do you think is interesting about your culture?
  • Do you know much about your own culture?
  • When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually think of?
  • In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone?
    • To whom is it OK and to whom is it not OK?
  • What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?
  • Have you looked at Internet pages from a different culture? If so, how were they different from those of your own culture?
  • What do you like about your culture?
  • What don’t you like about your culture?
  • How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people?
  • How do young people in your culture behave differently from people in this culture?
  • Are there many people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends with any?
  • Have you ever felt confused by the actions of someone from another culture?
    • If so, tell me about it.
  • How are your language teachers who are not from your country different from your other teachers?
    • How are they the same?
  • Who in your culture do you admire most?
  • What your culture are you most proud about?
  • Why do you think culture is important?
  • If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
  • Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?
  • Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not?
  • What does it mean to be polite in your culture?
  • What is considered rude in your culture?
    • Is there anything in this culture that is considered rude that may not be considered rude in your culture?
  • If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them?
  • What other cultures have you met people from?
  • What do you think is important when visiting another culture?
  • Do you think “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is always good advice? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to “do as the Romans do”?
  • What culture besides your own do you admire and why?
  • If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them?
  • Do you pray before each meal?
  • How do you feel when you leave your home culture and enter into a completely new culture?
  • What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?
  • What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture?
  • If you could choose three aspects of your culture to put in a “time box” for the future, what would you put in it?
  • What is culture shock?
  • Have you ever experienced culture shock?
  • What is reverse, or re-entry, culture shock?
  • Have you ever experienced reverse culture shock?
  • On what occasions do you exchange flowers in your country?
  • On what occasions do you exchange flowers in your country?
  • What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, …
  • Do you know much about your own culture?
  • What do you think is interesting about your own culture?
  • What do you like most about your own culture?
  • What do you like least about your culture?
  • What does it mean to be polite in your culture?
  • What is considered rude in your culture? Is there anything in Canadian culture that is considered rude in your culture?
  • In your culture is it polite to be straightforward and direct when you talk to someone? To whom is it OK and to whom is it not OK?
  • What has surprised you when you’ve met people from other countries?
  • How do young people in your culture behave differently from older people?
  • How do young people in your culture behave differently from people in Canada?
  • Are there people of different cultures in your country? Are you friends with any of them?
  • What other cultures have you met people from?
  • Have you ever felt confused by the actions of someone from another culture? If so, tell me about it.
  • How are your language teachers different from your teachers in your culture? How are they the same?
  • What are the five most important values of your culture? (For example, Family)
  • What in your culture are you most proud about?
  • If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be?
  • Would you ever consider marrying or dating someone from another culture?
  • Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not?
  • Do you think “when in Rome, do as the Romans do” is always good advice? Why or why not? Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you had to “do as the Romans do”?
  • What do you think is important when visiting another culture?
  • If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them?
  • What culture besides your own do you admire? Why?
  • If aliens visited your country, what might surprise them?
  • What is the best/most important thing your culture has given to the world?
  • What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture?
  • What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, …


  • What customs do you practice?
  • What are your favorite customs?
  • What customs do you think should be revised?
  • What customs do you think should no longer be practice?
  • What customs (from elsewhere) do you think should be included in our culture?

crime 犯罪

Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?


Are there any places you are afraid to visit because of the high crime rate? If so, where?


Are there problems with drugs where you live?


Are you apprehensive about walking outside after dark?


Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how?


Do you know anyone who has been mugged?


Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?


Do you think abortion is a crime?


Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain.


Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?


Do you think police TV dramas are realistic?


Do you think policeman should be allowed to carry guns?


Do you think that capital punishment is a good idea? Why or why not?


Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles 少年 and adults? Why/why not?


Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why not?

你覺得死刑能夠降低犯罪率嗎? 為什麼呢?

Do you think that the legalization of narcotics would decrease the crime rate?


Do you think there are any legal drugs that should be illegal?


Do you think there is a link between drugs and crime?


Do you think prostitution is a crime?


Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?


Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?

你覺得你的國家很安全嗎? 為什麼?

Do you walk alone at night in your home city?


Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?

Have you ever been the victim of a crime? How about others in your family?

Have you ever done anything illegal? If so, what did you do?

Have you ever had anything stolen?

Have you ever seen a crime?

Have you ever witnessed a crime?

Have you ever stolen anything?

How can you prevent things from being stolen?

How can you avoid having things stolen from you?

If a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving family, should he be punished?

Is child abuse a problem in your country?

Is drunk driving a crime where you live? If so, what is the punishment?

Is it ever O.K. to break the law? If so, when?

Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?

Is there a problem with organized crime and/or gangs where you live?

Is your hometown considered safe?

Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?

What are some things people can do to protect themselves from crime?

What are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal?

What crimes do you think will decrease in the future?

What crimes do you think will increase in the future?

What crimes have you heard about recently in the news?

What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?

What do you think of the death penalty?

What is a gang?

What gangs exist in this country and in your home country?

What are the characteristics of these gangs?

What is the punishment for murder in your country?

What is the punishment for stealing in your country?

What kinds of crime are most common in your country? What are the penalties for these crimes?

What kinds of crimes are increasing?

What kinds of crimes do you think can be prevented? How?

What makes some people become criminals? Is it poverty, upbringing, lack of education, unemployment or something else?

What weapons do police carry in this country? How about your home country?

What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?

What’s your opinion about the death penalty?

Why do you think crime is more prevalent in some societies than in others?

Why is there more crime in some countries?

Why do you think people steal things?

Do you think corporal punishment is necessary?

Who decides what is and isn’t a crime?

Do you think that “corporate criminals” are sufficiently punished for their crimes?

Do you think that police dramas can teach people how serious certain actions can be?

Is a person born as a blank page or does he have some things predetermined like vulnerability to crime?

Should adultery be considered a crime?

Why do people commit crimes?

What can be done about gun/knife violence?

Do you think your city is a dangerous place to live in?

Do you see a lot of crime happening around you?

What kind of crime is it? Shoplifting? pickpocketing? Etc?

Have you ever witnessed a crime? If “yes” tell us about it.

Have you ever witnessed acts of vandalism?

What do you think is the main cause of vandalism?

How can we fight vandalism?

Do you think graffiti is vandalism or art?

Have you ever been robbed?

How did it happen?

Did you report to the police?

Did they help you?

Do you agree that terrorism is the evil of the 21st century?

What are the roots of terrorism?

What act of terrorism terrifies you most of all?

Is bribery a crime?

What spheres are corrupted most of all in your country? Police? Education? Medicine?

What is the best way to fight corruption?

What is your attitude to the death penalty?

Is there a death penalty in in your country?

If you think it should exist, what kind of criminals should be sentenced to death?

Which punishment is more severe, the death penalty or life imprisonment?

What do you think is an adequate punishment for an adolescent who has committed a serious crime? Murder? Burglary? Car theft? Rape?

Is piracy a great problem in your country?

Do you consider piracy to be a crime?

Is it possible to get rid of piracy?

What is intellectual property?

Can you think of some examples of stealing intellectual property.

Do you think it is a serious crime?

What do you know about the mafia?

How does the mafia affect your life?

How does the mafia make money?

Have you ever noticed someone stealing in a store?

What were your actions?

If your friend has committed a serious crime, how would you act?

Would you report to the police or not?

Do you agree that everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed?

Is downloading music or videos a crime?

What’s the difference between copyright infringement and theft?

What is the difference between crime and sin?

創意 creative

What is creativity?

Do you consider yourself a creative person? Why?

What is something creative that you have done?

Is creativity a good thing? Why or why not?

What are some ways that a person can be creative?

Is taking a risk part of creativity?

Do you like to take risks? Give an example

Do you often ask question the way things work?

Do you like to improve things?

What are some creative ways to entertain children?

Can you think of a device that would make people’s life easier?

How does self-confidence affect a person’s creativity?

Can someone who initially seems to lack any ability for a certain form of art develop his creativity and finally come to master it?

Have you heard of any such case?

Do you know anyone who is personally an example of this?

How does early exposure to diverse stimuli, and his involvement in creative activities affect a child’s future creativity?

Do you believe that natural genetical features in a human being are absolutely determinant to their future creativity, or is interaction and engagement into self-expression and interaction with the world more influential than this?

How does a person’s standard of living, involving such things as diet, exposure to chemical or other forms of pollution, active versus sedentary living, different forms of addiction, or any other aspects you may think of, affect them biologically regarding their creative capacities?

Does the education system in your country encourage creativity? How?

Do you think creativity comes with time and thought or you are born with creative talent?

What creative activities did you do as a child?

What are some incentives for creative people in the workplace?

What is a creative business that you would like to start?

Who are some of history’s most creative people?

In which professional field do you think people are most creative? e.g science

Do you often answer questions by explaining how things work?

Can you think of devices that would make people’s life easier?

國家 countries

What country would you like to visit?


What country would you like to live in and why?


What country would you like to work in?


What country has the most interesting customs?


What country would be fun to work in?


Would you like to work in a tropical country?


Would you like to work in Antarctica?


Would you like to live where there is always snow?


Would you like to live where there is desert and hot weather?


What countries in Europe have you visited?


What countries would you not like to visit and why?


What country in Asia would be a great place to live?


Is your country the best place for you to live?


What is special about your country?


What festivals and feasts does your country have?


Would you like to go and live in another country?


What countries would you like to travel to for a vacation?


How would you travel to see your country?


What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?


Which country gets the most snowfall and why?


What country/ countries neighbor (neighbor) your country?


What are some similarities and differences between your neighboring country and your country?


政治腐敗 conflict

  • What is conflict?
  • When you see the word “conflict”, what do you think of?
  • What causes conflict?
  • Is conflict inevitable?
  • Is conflict always negative?
  • How can conflicts be resolved?
  • What would you consider to be a constructive approach to conflict?
  • What would you consider to be a destructive approach to conflict?
  • Does there have to be a winner and a loser of a conflict?
  • What happens to people who are involved in conflicts?
  • What conflicts are going on around the world?
  • What conflicts exist in your life?
  • How do you deal with conflicts?
  • Can violent conflicts be solved with violence?
  • How can the world be peaceful when other countries are not trying to bring peace?
  • Can conflicts at work place affect the efficiency of one’s work?
  • Is it possible to avoid conflicts?
  • Does it solve anything?
  • Have you ever used third-party mediation?
    • If so, did you use a professional, or a friend?
  • What was the experience like?
  • Did it help resolve the conflict?
  • Would you recommend this approach to others?
  • Are there any kind of conflicts in the family?
  • What kind of conflicts occur in a family?
  • Is there any conflict in your family?
  • Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family?
  • How can conflicts in the family be solved?
  • What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family?
  • What kind of conflicts appear at school?
    • Why are there conflicts at school?
  • What should teachers, parents and pupils do to avoid and solve such conflicts?
  • What conflicts could happen in a neighborhood?
  • Why are there conflicts among neighbors?
  • What should neighbors do to avoid and solve conflicts?
  • Should a conflict be solved straightaway or when we calm down?

衝突 conflict

  • What is conflict?
  • When you see the word “conflict”, what do you think of?
  • What causes conflict?
  • Is conflict inevitable?
  • Is conflict always negative?
  • How can conflicts be resolved?
  • What would you consider to be a constructive approach to conflict?
  • What would you consider to be a destructive approach to conflict?
  • Does there have to be a winner and a loser of a conflict?
  • What happens to people who are involved in conflicts?
  • What conflicts are going on around the world?
  • What conflicts exist in your life?
  • How do you deal with conflicts?
  • Can violent conflicts be solved with violence?
  • How can the world be peaceful when other countries are not trying to bring peace?
  • Can conflicts at work place affect the efficiency of one’s work?
  • Is it possible to avoid conflicts?
  • Does it solve anything?
  • Have you ever used third-party mediation?
    • If so, did you use a professional, or a friend?
  • What was the experience like?
  • Did it help resolve the conflict?
  • Would you recommend this approach to others?
  • Are there any kind of conflicts in the family?
  • What kind of conflicts occur in a family?
  • Is there any conflict in your family?
  • Did you experience any kind of conflict in your family?
  • How can conflicts in the family be solved?
  • What strategies do you know to solve conflicts in the family?
  • What kind of conflicts appear at school?
    • Why are there conflicts at school?
  • What should teachers, parents and pupils do to avoid and solve such conflicts?
  • What conflicts could happen in a neighborhood?
  • Why are there conflicts among neighbors?
  • What should neighbors do to avoid and solve conflicts?
  • Should a conflict be solved straightaway or when we calm down?


  • Is it always necessary to complain?
  • When is it appropriate to complain in a restaurant?
  • What do you think of the saying, “The customer is always right.”?
  • What do you say to someone to complain about bad service in a store or restaurant?
  • Have you ever gotten angry at a worker in a store or a restaurant?
  • What are some reasons why we might need to complain in a store or restaurant?
  • What are some reasons why you would not complain about bad service?
  • Do you prefer to make a complaint over the telephone or in person?
  • When is it necessary to write a letter of complaint?
  • Is it common in your country to complain about bad service?

社區 community

What do you like about your community?


How did you decide on your community?


What do you think should be changed in your community?


How can you help your community?


How many of your neighbors do you know?


Are there old people living in your community? Tell me about them.


Are there little children in your community? Tell me about them.


What do the people in your community do for recreation?


What do you think is the most important thing about community?


Does your community have special days to get together?


Does your community have meetings?


Is there a neighborhood watch program in your community?


Would you like to raise your children in a community like yours? If yes, tell me why. If no, tell me why?


How can you live in a community and maintain your privacy?


Does your community welcome strangers?


Have you ever helped a neighbor?


  • Can you tell me some things about your neighborhood?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of your neighborhood?
  • What would you change about your neighborhood?
  • What types of facilities are available near to you?
  • How far are you from the city center?
  • Do you like living in your neighborhood or do you not have much choice?
  • What do you like about your community?
  • What do you think should be changed?
  • How can you help your community?
  • How many of your neighbors do you know?
  • Are there old people living in your community? Tell me about them.
  • Are there little children in your community? Tell me about them.
  • What do the people in your community do for recreation?
  • What do you think is the most important thing about community?
  • Does your community have special days to get together?
  • Does your community have meetings?
  • Is there a neighborhood watch program in your community?
  • Would you like to raise your children in a community like yours? Why or why not?
  • Is your community afraid of strangers?
  • Does your community welcome strangers?
  • How have you helped a neighbor?


  • What are the most common neighbor complaints?
  • Do you get on well with your neighbors?
  • What kind of neighbor are you?
    • Dirty?
    • Nagging?
    • Understanding?
  • Have you ever had problems with your neighbors? Explain.
  • What is it that neighbors do that peeves you the most?
  • Have you ever considered suing your neighbor? Why?
  • Do you treat others as you’d like to be treated?
  • What are the most common neighbor complaints?
  • Do you get on well with your neighbors?
  • How do you keep your neighbors from complaining?

顏色 color

  • What’s your favorite color?
    • Has your favorite color changed as you’ve grown older?
  • Do you have a color that you hate?
    • If so, what is it?
    • Why do you hate it?
  • Do you think colors affect your mood?
    • How does red make you feel?
    • How does green make you feel?
    • How does blue make you feel?
    • How does purple make you feel?
    • How does black make you feel?
    • How does white make you feel?
    • How does yellow make you feel?
    • How does brown make you feel?
    • How does grey make you feel?
    • What do you think of orange?
  • Do you think different cultures have different meanings for colors?
    • What do the different colors mean in your culture?
  • Do you associate any colors with specific items, numbers, or letters not usually associated with color?
  • Can you think of different idioms or expressions involving color?
    • What’s a “black and white” matter.
    • What does it mean to “see red”?
    • What does it mean to “feel blue”?
    • What does it mean to “be yellow”?
    • What’s a “black tie affair”?
    • What does it mean to be “blacklisted”?
    • What does it mean to be “the black sheep in the family”?
  • How many colors are in the rainbow? What are they?
  • What colors are on your national flag?
  • What’s the best color for a car?
    • What’s the best color for a house?
    • What do you think is the best color for lens in sunglasses?
  • What’s the color for passion?
    • What’s the color for hatred?
    • What’s the color for happiness?
    • What’s the color for sadness?
    • What’s the color for anger?
    • What’s the color for death?
    • What’s the color for jealousy?
    • What is the color of envy ?
    • What’s the color for cowardice?
  • What color is money in your country?
  • Do you know anyone who is color blind?
    • What colors do most color blind people not see?
  • Do you think animals can see color?
  • What does black-sheep of the family mean?
  • Do you dream in color?
  • How would you compare the feeling you get watching a movie in black and white to watching it in color?
  • What color clothes do you like to wear?
    • What colors do you think look good on you?
    • What color shoes do you like to wear?
  • What do you think is the strangest color for a car?
    • How about a house?
    • How about clothing?
    • How about hair color?
  • Do you know anyone who has dyed their hair a strange color? (… an unnatural hair color such as blue or multiple shades?)
  • Have you ever seen a pet dog or cat with dyed fur?
  • Do you think different colors have different meanings? If so, what do different colors mean?
  • Do the color blind dream in color?
    • Do you think people who are color blind can dream in color?
  • What color ink do you like using the most?
    • What is the meaning of writing with black ink?
    • What is the meaning of writing with green ink?
    • What is the meaning of writing with red ink?
    • What is the meaning of writing with blue ink?
  • What color of paper you like most if you want to write a letter to your friends or loved ones?
  • What is the color of the bedspread on your bed?
  • What is your least favorite color?
  • What color toothbrush do you have?
    • Does everyone in your family use a different color toothbrush?
  • What color towels do you use?
  • What color are the curtains in your bedroom?
  • What does it mean when someone says he’s feeling blue?
  • What does it means when someone says they are green with envy?
  • w\What does it means when someone says “you look green at the gills”?
  • What does it mean when someone says “I was so mad I was seeing red”?
  • What does it mean when someone says “he was black as an ace of spades”?
  • What is pink eye?
  • We are not sure what this means, but it was submitted.
    • What does it mean when you see the color of a rainbow in your eyes?
  • What would you think of life without colors?
    • What do you think life would be like without colors?
    • How would life change?
    • What things wouldn’t change?
    • Are color blind people completely blind to all colors?
  • Do you think a person’s favorite color will always be his/her favorite color?
    • Do favorite colors change throughout life?
  • Have you ever tried to invent a new color?
    • Try it right now: try to think of a color that doesn’t exist, one you’d like to see.
    • What does it look like?
    • (Note: It is physically impossible to conceive of a color that isn’t a shade of a color that already exists, but students will enjoy trying for a few minutes and the impossibility of it makes for good conversation.)
  • What does the black sheep of the family mean?
  • Do you like light or dark colors better?
  • Which colors do you have to mix to get green? Orange? Purple? Black? Gray?
  • What expressions include colors when discussing illness? (ex., white or pale, pink eye, black and blue for bruises, yellow fever)
  • What expressions include colors and feelings? (ex. I feel blue, Green with envy, Red with rage, Turning red, Black circles under the eyes, You are turning blue (with the cold))
  • What do the colors in your home country’s flag represent?
  • What is the most memorable in advertisements or commercials for you? (ex. the music, colors, movement, message)
  • What does “a picture is worth a thousand words mean”?
  • This word is used when traveling: I bought a ticket on the red eye flight. What might this mean?

大學 collage

How many students go to your college?


Is your college coed?


How many subject are you taking this semester?


Who is your favorite teacher?


How did you decide which college to attend?


What is your typical day at college like?


What are three big differences between your college life so far and your high school days?


What is your major? Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets?


What is the most difficult class you have taken so far?


Have you ever pulled an all nighter? What was the situation?


Have you participated in a college festival?


Talk about your experience.


Do you think this style of festival is held in Western countries? Why or why not?


Are you a member of any student groups? Which ones? What do you do? Are you satisfied with what’s happening with your group(s)?


Are there some professors that you can learn from more easily than others?

What are the qualities that make you want to study for a certain professor?

What are the top three changes you would like to see happen at your university?

What do you think of student government?

Are you now or have you ever been part of it?

Do you think it’s worthwhile?

Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants? What?

What are the top three things you hope to get out of (get as a result of) your university days?

In the West, one of the most valued parts of college life is independence.

Are you more independent from your parents now than you were in high school?

Name some things you can do now that you weren’t allowed to do in high school.

Are you as independent now as you would like to be?

Talk about relations between upperclassmen and freshmen.

What kinds of things do freshmen have to do for “initiation?”

What other things do upperclassmen do to freshmen?

Were you a victim of “hazing” by upperclassmen? Talk about it.

What’s the most difficult class you have taken so far?

Are you a member of any student groups (circles or club)?

Which ones?

Are you satisfied with what’s happening with your group(s)?

Are there some professors that you can learn from more easily than others?

What are the qualities that make you want to study for a certain professor?

Perhaps is it just a matter of class rules and homework demanded?

What do you think of student government?

Are you now or have you ever been part of it?

Do you think it’s worthwhile?

Does student government do anything important?

Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants? What?

For Students who have Graduated from College.

  • What is your fondest memory of your college experience?
  • What is your worst memory of your college experience?
  • Were there any subjects that you just couldn’t seem to master?
  • Were you a good student or did you slack off and procrastinate?
  • Did you have any college romances?
  • What was the hardest thing about going to college?
  • If you could have done something different with your college life, what would you have done differently?
  • Where did you get the money to attend college?
  • Do you feel it is necessary for young people to attend college these days?
    • What happens to people who just stop after high school or even quit high school?
  • Do you wish your college had a better sports program?