















中國童話:竇娥冤 關漢卿









通勤 Commuting

How do you commute to your school or your place of work?


How far do you travel and how long does it take you?


How do you travel? Is it expensive? Is it tiring?


What are some of the reasons why people commute?


Would you rather work in a nearer place?


If you work far from your house, why have you chosen to commute a long way to work?


Would you ever travel between countries or states in order to keep a better job? Why or why not?


In your viewpoint, what are the advantages and disadvantages of commuting?


If you didn’t have any relatives or wife/husband, would you travel abroad for work? Why or why not?


Would you like to live abroad? Why or why not?


If you moved to another country, what things would you miss about where you live now? Which ones would you be glad to get away from?


Would you give up your job if you had to commute frequently?


Would you accept a job that requires commuting two hours a day one way?








奧運 Olympics

When were the first Olympic games?


Why did they take place?


When are the first Olympic games you remember?


When and where were they?


Did your country win any medals?


When and where were the best games?


How many Olympic sports can you name?


Which sports are your favorite?


How many medals did your country win in the last Olympics?

Which sport is your country good at?


Where are the next games?

How is a country chosen to hold the games?


Is holding the games a financial incentive?


Is it good for the country that holds the events?

Which Olympic sports do you like to watch on TV?

Does your country do better at the summer or the winter Olympics?


Do you think that the Olympics are important, or have there been too many negative things (use of performance-enhancing drugs, corrupt judges) in recent history?

Should professional athletes be allowed in the Olympics?


Do you think it’s fair that an athlete who lives in one country and competes in another country can come back to his/her home country to be part of the Olympic team?


Do countries spend too much time on the Olympics?


If we held the Olympics tomorrow in this class, in which sport would you win the gold?

If you had to change one Olympic sport, which sport would you take away and which sport would you add?

What is the most difficult Olympic sport?


Should all sports be included? For example, the horse riding event which means transporting the horses all over the world?


Have you ever studied a martial art?


Can you name any Japanese/Chinese/Korean martial arts?


Which martial art is best in your opinion? Why?


Do you like fighting?


Do you often fight?


Have you ever been in a fight? Did you win?


Do you think its useful to study martial arts?


Who is your favorite kung fu movie actor/actress?


Do you like Hong Kong kung fu movies?


What is your favorite kung fu movie?


Do you know anything about martial arts history? What?


Do you think its important to preserve tradition in martial arts?


How many different kinds of kung fu have you heard of?

Do you know how to use any traditional weapons?

Which traditional weapon do you think is the coolest?

How does kung fu/tae kwon do/aikido compare to western boxing?

Do you ever watch martial arts on TV?

Do you know any good martial arts websites?

Are there any martial arts schools in your area?

What’s the difference between traditional kung fu and modern wushu?

What age is best to start training in martial arts?

At what age do you think it is best to begin training in martial arts?

How much should you train?

Do you know of any interesting training methods?

Do you know the names of the different kicks/punches/stances?

Which martial art uniform do you like best?

What are belts and sashes for?

What are forms or katas for?

What’s your favorite fighting technique?

What’s the most important thing in a fight?

What’s the coolest kung fu animal style?

What do you think “the art of fighting without fighting” (Bruce Lee) means?

Have you ever studied a martial art?

Can you name some Japanese, Chinese, and Korean martial arts? Describe them for your partner.

If you have trained in a martial art, was it difficult?

What did your teacher ask you to do?

What level of ability did you attain?

Did you ever take part in a competition?

What do you know about aikido?

What do you know about kendo?

What do you know about judo?

What do you know about karate?

What do you know about tae kwon do?

How many different kinds of kung fu have you heard of? For example, do you know the difference between traditional kung fu and modern wushu?

Have you ever seen or heard of the Shaolin monks and their abilities?

Have you ever been in a fight of any kind?

Did you win?

Do you like fighting?

Do you know anyone who does?

What are the benefits of studying martial arts? (health, self-discipline, etc.)

Do you think it’s useful to study martial arts to defend yourself in today’s world?

Do you like Hong Kong kung fu movies?

Do you like martial art movies of other countries?

What is your favorite kung fu movie?

Who’s your favorite kung fu movie actor?

What do you know about Jackie Chan?

What do you know about martial arts history?

Do you think it’s important to preserve traditions in martial arts?

Do you know how to use any traditional weapons?

Which traditional weapon do you think is the coolest?

How does Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, or Aikido compare to western boxing?

Do you ever watch martial arts on TV?

Do you know any good martial arts websites?

Are there any martial arts schools in your area? In this city?

At what age do you think it is best to begin training in martial arts?

How much should a person train in a martial art to become successful?

Do you know of any interesting training methods?

Do you know the names of different kicks, punches, and stances?

Which martial art uniform do you like best?

What’s your favorite fighting technique?

What’s the most important thing in a martial arts competition?

What’s the coolest Kung fu animal style?

What do you think Bruce Lee’s comment that Kung Fu is “the art of fighting without fighting” means?

Do you believe that martial arts masters of the past were actually able to fly?

語言 Languages

What language is spoken the most in your country?


Do you have a second language in your country?


How many languages do you speak fluently?


Is English important for an individual in your country?


Why are you studying English?


What language you like speaking in?


What language do you least like speaking in?


What’s your favorite language?


Do you wish your country has another language instead of the present one?


Do you have pen-friend? If yes, what languages do they speak?


Can you name any languages that are no longer spoken?


What language do the neighboring countries of where you live speak?


What would you do if you had to travel to a country where it’s people don’t know how to speak neither your language nor English?


Do you think that disappearing languages should be protected or should we just let them fade away?


What languages are spoken the most throughout the world?


Which do you think is the most difficult language?


How many languages do you speak?


Would you like to raise multilingual children?


Do you think foreign language study should be required?


Do you think foreign language study should start as early as possible, or is it okay to start later?


Do you think all people should be required to study the same foreign language, or do you think there should be some choice?


Do you think language affects thought?


Do you enjoy studying grammar?


Do you think studying the grammar of your native language is important?


Do you think studying the grammar of a foreign language helps you to speak it?


What grammar question have you had lately?


When you study a language, do you like to study reading, writing, speaking and listening?


Have you ever had an emotional discussion in a language that you don’t speak well?


When you learn new words, is it generally easier for you to remember “silly and useless” words, or “common and useful” words?


If you study a foreign language, do you use a dictionary written in the language you are studying?

Have you ever used a concordance to study language?

Do you have a large vocabulary?


Is increasing your vocabulary important to you?


What techniques do you use to remember vocabulary?


What dialects does your language have?


Do you know the saying, “a language is a dialect with an army”? What do you think this means? Do you agree?

When you are getting an important message for the first time, are you more comfortable hearing it, or reading it?

Is this different for you in your native language and your second/foreign language?

When you produce language, are you more comfortable writing it, or saying it?

What is your mother tongue?

How many languages do you speak?How did you learn your second language?What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?What methods do you use to remember vocabulary better?Is it necessary to write words down?Is it possible to understand and write well but not be able to have a conversation?What is value of learning languages?Why do some people have more difficulty than others when learning a language?To what extent do you agree that it’s better to learn language as a child? Why or why not?To speak its language well, how important is it to know something about the culture of a country?Are there some words that are similar in different languages?As a beginner, what are the first things that you need to be able to say?What are the problem areas that an intermediate learner may have?What are the problem areas that an advanced learner may have?When you travel to a foreign country, is it always easy to use your foreign language?How can the Internet be a helpful tool when learning a foreign language?Some people say that if you can teach something about your foreign language, then it you to understand it better. Do you agree?Have you ever tried learning a new language from a textbook with audio tapes?Is it good to sit an exam that shows your level in English?What do you know about IELTS and TOEFL?Can you learn a language by watching television?Do you use free language-learning exercises on the Internet?Have you ever paid for 1:1 lessons?Would you like to be a translator? Why? / Why not?Is the classroom the best place to learn?Can a good teacher influence how well you enjoy learning a language?Is it possible to teach yourself a language?What careers are possible if you speak a foreign language?What languages would you like to learn in future?What different techniques do you have for learning vocabulary?Do you need to write in a foreign language?Do you need to use your foreign languages at work?Do you think that knowing a foreign language might encourage you to live abroad in future?Is it a good idea to learn a language from a non-native speaker of that language?

  • Are there any disadvantages?

Do you know how large your vocabulary is in your foreign language?Could you teach your mother tongue to someone else?What personal qualities do you need to be an effective language learner?What tools can help you learn a foreign language?Have you ever made a telephone call in a foreign language?

  • If yes, how did it go?

Do you ever read websites in a foreign language?Is it possible to learn a language without studying grammar?Is knowing grammar more important than knowing vocabulary?Have teaching methods for language learning changed over the last 50 years?To speak a language well, why is it important to have an understanding of idioms?How did your best language teacher help you?Have you had any particularly poor language learning experiences?How old should a child be when a school introduces the first foreign language?Are teenage language exchange programs useful? Why? / Why not?Some people say “I’m no good at learning languages”.

  • Is this just a question of attitude (because of a previous bad experience) or were some people born lacking the ability to learn a new language?


Can you tell me something about yourself?


What do you know about our organization?


Why do you want to work for us?


What can you do for us that someone else can’t?


What do you find most attractive about this position?


What seems least attractive about it?


Why should we hire you?


What do you look for in a job?


Please give me your definition of the position for which you are being interviewed.

How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?


How long would you stay with us?


Your resume suggests that you may be over-qualified or too experienced for this position. What’s your opinion?


What is your management style?


Are you a good manager?


Can you give me some examples?


Do you feel that you have top managerial potential?


Have you ever had to fire people?


How did you handle the situation?


What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a manager or executive?


What important trends do you see in our industry?


Why are you leaving (did you leave) your present (last) job?


In your current (last) position, what features do (did) you like the most? The least?


What do you think of your boss?


What do you feel this position should pay?


What are your long-range goals?


Why do you want to work for this company?


Are you married? Can you tell me about your family?


Why did you leave your last job?


What would you like to do in the future?


What do you do in your free time?


Are you qualified for this position?


How well do you work with people?


What is a good working environment for you?


  • At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?
  • At what age do people usually retire in your country?
  • At what age would you like to retire?
    • What do you think you will do after you retire?
    • How much money do you think you need to retire with your lifestyle?
  • Can you talk about what a typical day at your current job is like?
  • Can you describe some of the people that you work with?
  • Can you describe your current job?
  • What was your first job?
  • Do women usually work after they get married in your country?
  • Do you ever work overtime?
    • If so, do you get paid more for overtime work?
  • Do you have a part-time job? If so, what do you do?
  • Do you have to attend a lot of meetings for your job?
  • Do you have to do a lot of paperwork?
  • Do you have to work overtime?
    • If so, how often?
    • Do you have to work on Sundays?
  • Do you know someone who has worked as an undertaker?
    • What is the job of a an undertaker?
    • Can women do this job or is it better for a man to be an undertaker?
  • Do you like your boss? Why or why not?
  • Do you like your job?
  • Do you like your job? Why or why not?
  • Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
  • Do you think it’s acceptable for women to be in the military? Why/why not?
  • Do you think people over 65 should be made to retire?
  • Do you think women and men should be paid the same for the same job?
  • Do you think women are good bosses?
    • Are there women bosses in your country?
  • Do you think your company is well run?
    • Do you think that the place where you work is well run?
  • Do you work on weekends?
    • Do you work on Sundays?
  • Does your mother work?
    • Does your mother work outside of the house?
  • Have you ever been promoted?
  • Have you ever taken any courses that specifically help you with the job you are doing now?
  • Have you ever worked on a farm?
    • Did you like it?
    • Would you like to go back on this farm job?
    • If not , why?
  • How do you like your work?
  • How have working conditions changed in recent years?
    • Do you think that working conditions have improved? If so, in what ways?
  • How long do you plan to continue working where you are?
  • How long have you been working at your present job?
  • How many days a week do you work?
  • How many hours a week do you work?
  • How many times have you been promoted?
    • When was the last time you were promoted?
    • Did you get a large pay raise at that time?
  • How much do you think a doctor should be paid a month?
    • How about a secretary?
    • How about a truck driver?
  • How much money do you make? (Maybe this is not a good question to ask.)
  • How much money does a secretary get paid per week?
  • How old were you when you got your first job?
  • How well do you get along with your boss?
  • If you could own your own business, what would it be?
  • If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would you choose?
  • Is it common for men and women to have the same jobs in your country?
  • Is it easy to find a job in Canada? How about in your country?
  • Name three occupations that you could do. (For example, be a mortician)
    • Name three occupations that you could never do?
  • What are some common occupations in your country?
    • What are some common jobs for men in your country?
    • What are some common jobs for women in your country?
    • What are some jobs that children do?
  • What are some jobs that you think would be boring?
  • What are some jobs that you think would be fun?
  • What are some questions that are frequently asked in a job interview?
  • What are you responsible for?
  • What are you trying to do in order to find a job that you really like?
  • What do you do?
    • What’s your job?
  • What do you like most about that job?
  • What do you think is the best job? What do you think is the worst?
  • What do you think would be the most interesting job? The most boring?
  • What does your father do? (What does your father do for a living?)
  • What does your mother do?
  • What influenced your choice of job? (Why did you choose your job?)
  • What job do you want to have in five years’ time?
  • What job would you most like to have, if social/cultural boundaries did not apply? (How different are they?)
  • What job(s) do you wish to have in the future?
  • What jobs in your country are considered to be good jobs? Why?
  • What kind of volunteer work have you done?
  • What kind of work do you do?
    • What kind of work do you want to do in the future?
  • What plans have you made for your retirement?
  • What three adjectives would describe yourself as a worker?
  • What time do you get home from work?
    • Is it the same time every day?
  • What time do your start and finish work?
  • What would be your dream job?
    • Do you think it would be possible for you to get this job?
  • What’s one job you wouldn’t like to do? Why not?
  • What’s your brother’s occupation?
  • When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  • When you were a child, what job did you want to have when you grew up?
  • Where do you work and what is your current job?
  • Where do you work?
  • Which job are you best at?
  • Which job would you never do?
  • Which jobs do you think are the most prestigious?
  • Who among the people you know has the most interesting job? What is it?
  • Why did you leave your last job – did you resign or were you sacked?
  • Would you be upset if your boss was a woman?
  • Would you consider the military as a career choice? Why or why not?
  • Would you consider yourself to be an ambitious person at work?
  • Would you describe yourself as a workaholic?
  • Would you like a job in which you traveled a lot?
  • Would you like a job that required you to sit at a computer all day?
  • Would you like to do the same job for the rest of your life?
  • Would you like to work in an office? Why or why not?
  • Would you rather be a doctor or a banker?
  • Would you rather work inside or outside?
  • What job would you most like to do?
  • What are the names of some of the people with that job?
  • Do you personally know any one with that job?
  • How long do you plan to keep it for?
  • When do plan to retire?
  • What other fields or work will that job make you qualified for?
  • What are the work details of that job; what will be your duties at that job?
  • What steps are required from you to become a/an…?
  • So, how long before fore you become a/an…; at what ages will you both start and finish this/each job/career?
  • What do you hope to spiritually gain from that job?
  • What do you wish to physically gain; what kind of things would you like to buy with your money?
  • How much money do you need to make to fulfill you dreams and desires?
  • If money weren’t a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?
  • How does money affect your decisions?
  • How do your wants and desires affect your career options and goals?
  • How many years of schooling would you prefer to have?
  • Can you improve on the way things are now being done in the field you choose?
  • Which college courses are needed for you to be the very best in your field?
  • Which college courses are required for you dream job?
  • What other courses do you need to take so you can pursue your hobbies and personal interests?
  • Which of the classes mentioned above are you giving the highest priority? Why?
  • Who is the breadwinner (provider) in your family?
  • Who makes the most money in your family? (This may not be a “polite” question to ask.)
  • Is it common for people from your country to have one job for life?
  • Do you see any unfair labour practices in your country’s workforce?
  • Do you have an after-school job?
  • Would you like to have a management position?
  • What are the pros and cons of being a manager?
  • What are the qualities a good boss should have?
  • What is a fair wage for the skills you have?
  • Are there any jobs which can only be done by one gender?
    • If so, what are they?
    • What are some jobs that some people think only one gender can do, but can be done by either gender?
  • What should you not do during a job interview?
  • Who would you hire a employee with a lot of experience or an employee with a lot of education?
  • Have you ever worked?
  • Getting a Job
    • What is the difference between work and a job?
    • Do you have a job?
    • How did you get it?
    • Did you have to go to university to get it?
    • What is the name of your job?
    • Is it a popular job?
    • Is it a job mainly for men, or for women?
    • Did you need any special training to get your job?
      • What type of special training did you need?
      • How long and where was the training?
    • Is it an indoor, or outdoor job?
    • Which do you think most people prefer, indoor or outdoor jobs?
    • Does your job pay a good salary?
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages to your job?
    • Which do you think are some of the more demanding jobs?
      • Which are the least demanding jobs?
    • Which jobs are badly paid?
      • Which jobs are over-paid?
    • Which job are more popular than others, and why?
    • Is your job competitive?
    • What about promotions?
    • Is it too competitive?
    • How is your relationship with your co-workers?
    • Why would I choose you instead of the 50 others wanting this position?
  • These were submitted as possible job interview questions.
    • What degrees do you have?
    • How much experience do you have?
    • Where have you worked?
    • Why did you choose this employment?
    • How much would you like to earn?
    • Have you ever worked in this field?
    • Where would you like to work? Why?
    • Why do you find your job interesting?


What are the best and the most useful inventions of mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries?


What famous inventors do you know?


What were their inventions?


How did the invention of television change people’s life?


Do you think it is a useful invention?


What is the role of television in your life?


How often do you watch it?


When did you buy or get your first mobile phone?


Do you think you can live without your mobile or is it now an important part of your daily life?


What do scientists say about the influence of mobile phones on our health?


Do you use the Internet?


What Internet services do you use?


Do you feel any addiction to the Internet?


How much do you spend on the Internet a month?


Do you think that the Internet is the good or the evil?


What do you think is the worst invention of the mankind? (weapon, atomic energy, cigarettes, television, mobile phones, cars, genetically modified products etc)


Can you name some inventions are you looking forward to? (human cloning, time traveling, eternal-life-pill, AIDS\cancer vaccine, teleportation)


What do you know about cloning?


What is your attitude to human cloning?


Do you think time machine will ever be invented?


Would you like to do some time traveling?


What time would you like to visit, what event would you like to witness?


Do you think aging is the problem the mankind can not fight?


What discoveries and inventions has been made recently to fight aging?


Would you like to be immortal or would you just prefer to remain young throughout your life and die in the end?


What is the use of space exploration?


What technologies has space exploration brought to our daily life?


Do you believe that one day people will live on the moon and on other planets?


Why isn’t it possible today?


What would you invent if you are a scientist?


How often do you…?多常

How often do you travel?


How often do you wake up in the middle of the night?


How often do you go to the dentist?


How often do you go to church?


How often do you eat candies?


How often do you go to the doctor?


How often do you say “I Love you” to your parents?


How often do you take your English book to study?


How often do you practice sports?


How often do you brush your teeth?


How often do you listen to music?


How often do you read?


How often do you go to the shopping mall?


How often do you buy clothes?


How often do you eat fast food?


How often do you have English classes?


How often do you go out with your friends?


How often do you go to the movies?

How often do you go for a walk?

How often do you use the Internet?

多久 how long

  • How long have you lived in this country?
  • How long have you lived in this city/town?
  • How long have you lived in your apartment/house?
  • How long have you been married?
  • How long have you known your best friend?
  • How long have you studied English?
  • How long have you gone to this school?
  • How long have you had your car?
    • Cat?
    • Dog?
    • Business?
    • House?
  • How long have you been awake?
  • How long have you smoked?
    • Dated?
    • Studied?
    • Traveled?
  • How long have you worked at your job?

實用視聽華語 book 1

lesson 1








Lesson 2






Lesson 3







可是 But

Lesson 4





誠實與信任 Honesty and Truthfulness

What is the definition of honesty?


What do we mean when we say a person is honest?


Why is honesty important?


Why is honesty so difficult at times?

When is honesty difficult?


Why is it good to be honest?


Why is dishonesty not good?


When have you been honest?


When have you been dishonest?


At what times do you appreciate people being honest with you?


When have you had times when people have been dishonest with you?


How do feel when you have been dishonest with someone?


How do you feel when someone has been dishonest with you?


Who have you been honest with?


How can you be honest and not hurt someone?


Are there people that you do not trust?


How can you tell when people are being dishonest with you?


What kind of problems does dishonesty cause?


What are some common situations when people are sometimes dishonest?



  • What is truthfulness?
  • What do we mean when we say that a person if truthful?
  • Why is it important to be truthful?
  • Are you always truthful?
  • What problems do you encounter when you are not truthful?
  • How can you tell when people are being truthful with you?
  • How do people act when they are untruthful?
  • How do you feel when people have been untruthful with you?
  • How do you feel when you have been untruthful to others?
  • What is a half truth?
  • When have you told a half truth?
  • Is a half truth really being truthful?
  • What is a misleading truth?
  • When have you heard a misleading truth?
  • What professions are sometimes accused of giving misleading or half-truths?
  • How can you tell when someone is not telling you the whole truth?
  • What are some situations when telling a partial truth might be OK?
  • When are times when it might be kinder to tell a partial truth to someone?
  • What is the different between telling a partial truth and lying?
  • How do you know when to trust someone?
  • What do you do if you are in a biracial relationship and you have moved in together, and you find out that your boyfriend hasn’t told his best friend you are black or white?

作業 homework

What homework do you usually do ?


Is there anyone who makes you do your homework?


Have you have your own room to study in?


What’s on your desk or table where you study?


Do you mind the presence of pets when you study?


Do you interrupt your study activities or do all the homework at one sitting?


Do you usually do your homework at the last minute?


What are some good excuses to give your teacher for not doing your homework?


Do you feel you have too much homework?


When do you do your homework?


When can homework be counterproductive?


What do you prefer, a small room, open space or studying outside?


Where do boarding schools students do their homework?


快樂 happiness

Are you a happy person?


What is happiness for you?


Can money buy happiness?


What makes you feel happy?


What are the three most important things for you to be happy?


Are single people happy?


Does having an animal/pet make you happy?


What is the effect that animals/pets have on people to make them feel happy?


When was the happiest time of your childhood?


Can you be happy if you are rich?


Can you be happy is you are poor?


How can you become happy again when you are sad?


How often do you feel really happy?


Are the people in your country generally very happy?


Are you very happy most of the time?

What makes you unhappy?

What’s the most miserable you’ve been?

How happy are you compared with your friends?

Do you wake up happy every morning?

Do you agree that older people are less happy?

What is there to be happy about in the world today?


Does your happiness change during different times of the day, week, month or year?

What is or was the happiest time of your life?


Do you need money to be happy?

What do you think of the idea of a government Happiness Minister who is responsible for the happiness of the population?


Do you think some nations are happier than others?

Why are teenagers some of the happiest people in the world?

Do you feel that you have to work hard and be miserable now in order to be happy later?


謠言、假新聞 Rumors

Do you like to gossip?


Do your friends often gossip about you?


Why do you think people like to listen to gossip ?


Why do people like to gossip about the rich and famous?


What are the most common themes for gossip?


What are some of the things you like to gossip about?


What are some ways which gossip can be harmful?


Do you think gossip can be used for something good?


Why is it considered that women gossip more then men?

Where are some places where people like to gossip?

Which newspapers can be called gossip newspapers?

Do you like to read gossip newspapers?

What is your attitude to gossip newspapers?

Have you ever told a rumor that got someone in trouble?

Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?

Has spreading rumors ever got you in trouble?

Do you think that a friend who gossips or starts rumors will ever gossip or start a rumor about you?

How would you try to resolve the problem, if you had got into trouble through gossiping?

Has answering these questions changed your attitude towards gossip?

If you discovered that someone had been gossiping about you, would you confront them?

If no-one at your high school had ever gossiped, how would it have been different?

If you heard some harmful gossip about someone you knew, what would you do?

Who gossips more men or women?

Would you say that people who like gossiping do it because their lives are empty or because it is just a way of entertainment?

Have you ever had problems because of gossip?

What would you do if someone gossips about you?

Have you ever told a rumor that got someone into trouble?

Has someone ever spread a rumor about you?

Has discussing gossip and changed your attitude towards gossip?

If no one at your high school had ever gossiped, how would your school be different?

派對 party

  • When do you go to a party?
  • What do you like to do at parties?
  • Where do you like to have a party/
  • Who do you invite to your parties?
  • Do you let people smoke at your party?
  • Do you let people drink at your party?
  • What can people do at a party that will annoy you/
  • Do you serve food at your parties?
  • What kind of food do you serve?
  • Would you rather go to someone else’s house for a party or have it at yours? Why?
  • Describe the best party that you have been to. Why was it the best?
  • Do you get drunk at your parties?
  • Would you mind if others get drunk at your party in your house?
  • Do you play games at your party? If so, what games?
  • Do you eat birthday cake at your birthday party?
    • Do you buy a birthday cake or do you make it at home?
  • What is there to do at a party?
  • What would you do if someone broke something at your party in your house?
  • If you are invited to a party but you don’t want to go, what do you tell the person inviting you?
  • What is RSVP?
    • Do you go to many parties that required RSVP?
    • Why do some parties require RSVP?
  • What are some polite and impolite excuses to give for not going to a party?
  • Did you ever have dance parties in your middle/high school?
  • Where would you like to have the party?
  • Who is the party for?
  • Why are you throwing this party?
  • What kind of people go to parties? Obligatory guests? Guests of honor?
  • What are some ways of describing guests at a party?
  • What are some parties that you are expected to bring gifts?
  • Who will you invite?
  • Will you send out invitations?
  • What do you need to think about if you are having a BBQ party outside?
  • What time do you like for parties to start or to end?
  • Do you like going to parties with a date or by yourself?
  • What kind of decisions do you need to make when you plan a party?
  • Do you enjoy hosting parties at your house?
  • What are the characteristics of a good host?


  • What is your biggest goal in life?
  • How do you plan to achieve that goal?
  • What are your “short term” goals?
  • What are your “long term” goals?
  • Should parents help their children set goals?
  • What are your educational goals?
  • What are your career goals?
  • What are your financial goals?
  • Why are goals important?
  • Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful?
  • Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?
  • Do you think people have fewer goals as they get older?
  • Do you have any goals that you feel are unrealistic?
  • How do people’s goals change from country to country?
  • What are your goals in your current job?
  • What are the main differences between male and female goals?
  • Which of your goals have you already achieved?
  • How would you feel if you failed to achieve any of your goals?
  • Do you think it’s a good idea to write your goals down and tick them off as you achieve them?
  • How important are goals to you?
  • What do you hope to have achieved by the time you’re sixty?
  • What is a goal?
  • Can goals help to change your life? How?
  • What goals do you have in your life?
  • Is it important to set goals?
  • Do you have a five year plan for your life?
  • If you can’t make your goal, how do you feel?
  • What are your families goals?
  • Are goals necessary to achieve success?
  • How are plans and goals related?
  • Are you ambitious enough to achieve the goals you set?
  • Do you have spiritual/religious goals?
  • Is one of your goals to be able to talk to your children’s English teacher?
  • Do you think people have less goals as they get older?
  • How will you feel,if you fail to achieve any of your goals?
  • What is something you never learned to do but wish you had?
  • Who is successful in your family? Why?
  • Tell me about a goal that you achieved for yourself.
  • What success have you had in this English class? What can you do to be more successful?
  • Do you believe that people must work hard to become successful? Why or why not?
  • Can you think of a successful person from your own county? What do they do? How do you think they did it?
  • What kind of success do you want in the future in your life?
  • What can you do now to be successful in the future?
  • Do you think that money and fame means success?


What kinds of gifts do you like to give?

Have you ever re-gifted something?

If you don’t like a gift, how long should you keep it?

What gift will you give your home-stay family when you leave?

What was your last gift?

What gift will you give your boyfriend/girlfriend for their birthday?

Is there a special gift you like to get?

What kinds of gifts do you like to get?

Do you ever give or get a knick-knack as a gift?

How did you like your last gift?

Did you ever get a gift you didn’t like?

What gift do you recommend someone give in your culture?

For children?

For parents?

For spouses?

For boyfriend?

For Girlfriend?

What gift would you most like to get?

What was the best gift you ever received?

How do you thank someone who gave you a gift?

What kinds of gifts do you think the other people in the class need?

Who was the last person you gave a gift to?

Is it enough for a husband/boyfriend to give flowers to his wife/girlfriend on her birthday?

What are the times of the year that you give gifts?

What are some of the things that you do not give as gifts in your country?

What do you think of people who give gifts?

認識彼此 Getting to Know Each Other

Do you have any pets?


What was the last book you read?


Do you like to cook?


What’s your favorite food?


Are you good at cooking/swimming/etc?


Are you married or single?


Do you have brothers and sisters?


Do you like baseball?


Do you live alone?


Do you live in a house or an apartment?


Have you ever lived in another country?


Have you ever met a famous person?


How do you spend your free time?


How long have you been studying Chinese?


Tell me about a favorite event of your adulthood.


Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.


What are your hobbies?


What countries have you visited?


What country are you from?

What do you do? What’s your job?

What do you like to do in your free time?

What is your motto?


What is your religion? (Perhaps not a good question in some situations.)


What kind of food do you like?


What kind of people do you like?


What kind of people do you not like?

What languages do you speak?


What two things could you not do when you were a child, but you can do now?

What’s something you do well?


What’s your father like?

What’s your mother like?


What’s your name?


Where do you live? How long have you lived there?

Which sports do you like?

Who do you live with?


Who do you respect the most?

Who has had the most influence in your life?

Why did you decide to take this course?


Would you like to be famous?


What do you think you will be doing five years from now?


Where do you think you’ll be living five years from now?


What is your goal in life?


Are you a ‘morning’ or ‘night’ person?


When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening?


How many cities have you lived in?

What jobs have you done?


Which do you prefer, sunrises or sunsets?


What could you do as a child that you can’t do now?


Who is your next door neighbor in your home country?


What is he or she like?


Did you get along with each other?

What is the best memory of our country that you will take back home with you?


What is the worst memory of our country?

How many times did you move as a child?


Are you a task oriented person or a people oriented person?

oriented 導向


What is the profile of the wife/husband you would meet?


What kind of woman/man would you like to marry?


同性婚姻 gay

What’s the meaning of “homosexual”? And “heterosexual”?

Are there many words in your language to refer to homosexuals?

About how many of them would you say are not offensive?

How is it being gay in your country?

Do you know anyone who is gay?

How about any celebrities?

Or any historical figure?

Are there any gay characters on a current TV series?

Could you tell us about them?

Do you think gay people have enough role models in our society to identify themselves with?

Do you think those references portrait a positive image of the gays?

Do they help the gay community to enhance their self-esteem?

What’s the meaning of “homophobia”?

In your view, is there homophobia in our society? If not, why?

Do you believe that the gay community is being discriminated against in any way?

If so, why do you think there is such discrimination?

What problems do you think someone goes through when they find out they are gay?

Do you think they should try to change?

In your opinion, should they say they are gay?

What do you think your parents’ reaction would be if you told them you are gay?

Do you think one of them would take it better / worse?

Do you think their first reaction would persist or would it change?

How about your best friend’s reaction?

How would you react if one of your children told you they’re gay?

What are the main problems gays have to face at college?

Is it easier for a gay to live in a village or in a city?

Is being gay more difficult in some countries than others?

In your opinion, can a gay be a religious person?

What main problems do gays have in the military?

In what ways does the gay community try to tackle homophobia? Are they being successful?

What main achievements have they had in the last 25 years?

How important are gay associations or organizations?

Do you think being lesbian is viewed as being worse, the same or better than being gay in our society?

Are they simply ignored?

Could you name any famous lesbian through history?

Do you believe gays and heterosexuals have the same rights? Do they have equal duties?

What’s your opinion on gay marriage?

What do you think of adoption by gay couples?

Do you think homosexual families can bring up children as well as straight families? If not, why?

Is AIDS a major problem for the homosexuals only?

What do you know about this disease?

How do you think it is transmitted?

Could you define the word “stereotype”?

What stereotypes do you know about gays?

園藝 gardening

What kind of gardening do you like?

How much time do you spend in the garden?

Do you think gardening is good for your health?

What are the names of some famous gardens in your city?

What are some vegetables which you grow in your garden?

Do you think trees need pruning every year?

What are the names of some famous gardens in your country?

What are names of common flowers in your country?

Does your house have a garden?

Is there a flower store near your house?

What are some things that need to be done in the garden in the spring?

What are the some names of gardening tools?

Would you prefer to have a flower garden or a vegetable garden? Why?

What do you like best, a landscaped garden or the formal garden?

How does your family help you when you are gardening?

Which do you prefer for your garden organic or chemical fertilizers?

What is your national flower and do you have it in your garden?


  • Do you like to eat fruits? What’s your favorite one?
  • How often do you eat fresh fruit?
  • In your opinion, what’s the most delicious fruit?
  • Do you like vegetables? What’s your favorite one?
  • Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why or why not?
  • Are you or would you like to be vegetarian?
  • How often do you drink fruit juice? What kind of fruit juice do you drink?
  • Do you like to eat fruit salad?
  • What kind of vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?
  • What the means the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?”
  • What are the most common fruits and vegetables in your country?
  • Can fruits and vegetables help you cure diseases?
  • Can fruits and vegetables help you lose weight if you are on a diet?
  • Do you cultivate fruits or vegetables in your garden?
  • Do you like to use things that have a fruit smell? ( E.g: Perfumes, erasers, etc)
  • What’s the most delicious fruit in your opinion?
  • Do you think that fruits and vegetables are good for your health? Why (not)?
  • Are you / would you like to be vegetarian?
  • How many vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?
  • What is the meaning of the saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away?”
  • What are the most common fruits and vegetables in your country?
  • Do you like to use things that have fruit smell? ( E.g: Perfumes, erasers, etc)

休閒時間 free time & 興趣 hobby

  • Do you have enough free time?
  • Do you have free time on Sundays?
  • Do you have much free time during the day?
  • Do you have much free time in the evenings?
  • Do you have much free time in the mornings?
  • Do you like to watch movies? (…like to play tennis, …)
  • What are you doing this weekend?
  • What did you do last summer vacation?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • What hobbies do you have?
  • When do you have free time? (How do you spend your free time?)
  • Where do you spend your free time?
  • Who do you spend your free time with?
  • How do you like to spend your free time?
    • going shopping? going to the cinema? chatting? playing computer games going to the disco? playing sports?reading? relaxing?
  • If you had more free time, what would you do with it?
  • Tell me about some good places to hang out.
    • Why are they good?
  • Where do young people in this country usually spend their free time?
  • Would you like to have more free time?
    • What would you like to give up so that you could have more free time?
  • How do the women in your family usually spend their free time?
  • How do the men in your family usually spend their free time?
  • Do men and women spend their free time differently? How?
  • If it were suddenly announced that tomorrow was a national holiday, what would you do?
  • What do you do on Saturdays?
  • Do people’s leisure time activities change as they get older? How?
  • Who do you like to spend your leisure time with?
    • What do you usually do?
  • Do you like gossiping in your free time?
    • Who do you gossip with?
    • Who do you gossip about?
  • What do you really hate having to do in your free time?
  • What new activity would you like to try doing in your free time?
  • Do you ever feel that you waste your free time? How?
    • What can you do about this?
  • Do you find that your works or studies takes up your free time?
  • Are there any activities that you used to do but don’t do anymore?
    • Why did you stop?


  • Do you have a hobby?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • How long have you had your hobby?
  • Which hobbies are the most expensive?
  • Which hobbies are the cheapest?
  • Which hobbies cost nothing at all?
  • Which hobbies are the most popular in your country?
  • Is hunting a hobby or a sport in your country?
  • Which hobbies are the most popular with women in your country? With men?
  • Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?
  • Can you think of any hobbies which are popular with children and adults?
  • Do you think a hobby is different from a sport?
  • Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
  • Are there any dangerous hobbies?
  • Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?
  • Which hobbies do you think are the most difficult?

火災 fire safety

Do you have a smoke alarm? How often do you check the batteries?

Do you have a fire escape plan? Does everybody in your family know where to go in case of fire?

Do you have a smoker in the house?

Have you got a fire blanket?

Have you ever escaped from a fire?

How do you put out a fire when you have no water?

What are some types of fires in the house?

Where are fires likely to break out?

What do you need to do for burn victims of a fire?

What is the phone number for the fire department where you live?

What is the fire department’s phone number in your country?

What equipment do fire fighters need?

How would you escape from your house if it caught on fire?