Chinese Grammar : …呢?

S1 V O, S2 呢?

Example 1

Simplified Chinese:我 要 喝 茶,你 呢?
Traditional Chinese:我 要 喝 茶,你 呢?
Pin-yin:Wǒ yào hē chá, nǐ ne?
Meaning:I want to drink tea, how about you?

Example 2

Simplified Chinese:他 不喝 咖啡,陈小姐 呢?
Traditional Chinese:他 不喝 咖啡,陳小姐 呢?
Pin-yin:Tā bù hē kāfēi, Chén Xiǎojiě ne?
Meaning: He does not drink coffee. What about Miss Chen?

S V O1, O2 呢?    

Example 1

Simplified Chinese:他 不喝咖啡,茶呢?
Traditional Chinese:他 不喝咖啡,茶呢?
Pin-yin:Tā bù hē kāfēi, chá ne?
Meaning:He doesn’t drink coffee. How about tea?

Example 2

Simplified Chinese:你 喜欢 喝茶,咖啡 呢?
Traditional Chinese:你 喜歡 喝茶,咖啡 呢?
Pin-yin:Nǐ xǐhuān hē chá, kāfēi ne?
Meaning:You like to drink tea. How about coffee?