Making a wish

iTalki – 願望

If you could have three wishes that would come true, what would they be? (No, you can’t wish for more wishes)


What do you wish you could change about the world?


Many cultures throw things into water (like a fountain) and make a wish. Why do people do that?


What do you wish you could eat right now?


What do you wish would happen today?


When do people make wishes in your culture? (for example, when you see a shooting star)


Have any of your wishes ever come true?


Do you ever wish you could travel back in time?


What do you wish you had right now?


Do you wish you lived in another country? Why?

Do you wish you didn’t have any brothers? Why?

Do you wish you were taller? Why?

Do you wish you were thinner? Why?

Do you wish you studied in a different university? Why?

Do you wish you worked in a different company? Why?

Do you wish you you went to a different school? Why?

Do you wish you you were younger? Why?

Do you wish you you were older? Why?

Do you wish you were the opposite sex? Why?

Do you wish you you could cook better? Why?

Do you wish you you were thinner? Why?

Do you wish you you were more fashionable? Why?

Do you wish you your brother would come to visit? Why?

Do you wish you you could go back to your native country? Why?