desktop computer with blank screen with keyboard and computer mouse at workplace

iTalki – 電腦

Do you know anything about the history of the computer?


Do you own a computer? What do you use it for?


Think about smart phones, like the iPhone. Do you consider them computers? Why or why not?


Do you think the desktop computer is going to become less popular in the future? If so, what will replace it?


Computers are starting to be built into new houses and apartments. Would you like a computer to control your house for you?


Do you think the invention and rise of computers has been a good thing or a bad thing? Why?


Talk about the first computer you ever used.


What will be the future of computers?


Do you think people rely too much on computers?


Do you think computers will ever be able to think for themselves or have “real” intelligence?


What do you think will happen if computers become self aware?


Talk about the differences between how you use a computer and children use a computer.


  • Are you computer literate?
  • Are you connected to the Internet?
    • Do you access the Internet with your computer?
    • Can you access the Internet from your home?
    • What is your favorite “news” site?
    • What Internet sites do you visit regularly?
  • Can your mother and father use a computer?
  • Do you have a computer?
    • Do you have a computer at work and at home?
    • Do you have a laptop or a desktop computer? Do you have both?
    • Do you use your computer when you do homework for school?
    • Have you ever studied English using your computer?
    • How many times have you upgraded your computer?
    • How powerful is your computer?
    • What company made your computer?
    • What kind of computer do you have?
    • What size is your computer screen?
      • What do you think is the best size to have?
    • Where do you use your computer?
    • Where in your room is your computer?
    • Why did you buy your computer?
  • Do you have a digital camera?
    • Do you send photos by email?
    • What kind of pictures do you take with your digital camera?
  • Do you have a scanner?
    • What kind of scanner do you have?
  • Do you have a web page?
    • What’s the URL?
    • When did you start it?
    • How much time did it take to make?
    • How much time do you spend keeping it updated?
  • Do you know any computer programming languages?
    • How many computer programming languages do you know?
    • Which languages do you know?
    • Which language do you use the most often?
  • Do you read computer magazines?
    • Which computer magazines do you read?
  • Do you use a computer?
    • Are you good at using a computer?
    • Are you still using your first computer?
    • Did you learn to use a computer in high school?
    • Do you know how to type well?
    • How often do you use a computer?
    • What are some of your favorite computer games?
    • What do you use a computer for?
    • What operating system do you use?
    • What software do you use the most often?
    • When did you first start using a computer?
    • Who taught you to use a computer?
  • Do you use chat rooms? If so, what chat rooms do you use and who do you talk to?
  • Do you use e mail?
    • Do you use e mail every day?
    • Do you write e mail in English?
    • Have you ever sent an e mail to your teacher?
    • How many e-mails do you get a day?
    • How many e mails do you send a day?
    • How many times a day do you access your e mail?
    • What’s your e mail address?
    • How many e mail addresses do you have?
  • Do you have a Facebook account?
    • How often do you access it?
    • How often do you update it.
    • How many friends do you have?
    • How many hours a day do you spend looking at it?
  • Do you want a more powerful computer? If so, what computer do you want?
  • Does your family have a computer?
  • How fast can you type?
  • Have you ever taken a course at school where you used a computer?
  • Have you tried Mac-OS, Windows and Linux?
  • How do you study English with your computer?
  • How does email work?
  • How many people in your family can use a computer?
  • How much did your first computer cost? How much did you last computer cost?
  • How much does it cost by buy a computer?
    • What’s the least expensive computer?
    • What’s the most expensive computer?
  • How much does your Internet service provider cost?
    • Which ISP do you use?
  • If you could buy a new computer, what would you like to buy?
  • If you had lots of money, what kind of computer system would you like to buy?
  • What is the difference between software and hardware?
  • Which do you like better, a laptop computer or a desktop computer?
  • What is your favorite website?
  • Do you ever visit English websites?
  • Do you think our lives have been improved by computer technology?
    • Think of a few examples of how computers have an educational or an entertainment value.
    • Could you do without them?
  • What is multimedia?
    • What are the components and the element of multimedia?
  • When did you first get a computer?
    • What kind of computer was it?
    • About how much did it cost?
    • Do you still have it?
    • Do you still use it?
  • Do you remember the first time you used a computer or the Internet?
    • What did you think about it?
  • How long have there been personal computers in your country?
    • When did the average person start using a computer?
  • Can your parents operate a computer?
    • How do they use their computer?
    • Do you chat with your parents?
    • What kind of computer do they use?
    • Do they enjoy using their computer?
  • Can your children use a computer?
  • Do you think a computer can bring us happiness?
  • Do you have a computer?
  • Do you know any computer languages like C or C++?
  • What is configuration of your PC?
  • How often do you perform a backup?
    • What kind of backup method do you use?
    • What kind of backup media do you use?
  • What are some good things about having a computer?
  • What are some bad things about having a computer?
  • Does having a computer make life more complicated or less complicated?
  • What computer games have you played?
    • Which do you think are not so interesting?
  • Do you use chat rooms and instant messaging?
    • Which ones do you use?
    • Why do you use them?
    • What are some things to think about when using them?
    • Why can these be dangerous for you and your kids?
  • What do you do when your computer doesn’t work properly?
    • Do you have more than one computer?
    • Can you do everything you need to do when your computer is broken?
  • Do you have a webpage?
    • Did you make your own webpage?
    • What is on this webpage?
    • Why do you think people have webpages?
    • What would you like to add to your webpage?
  • Do you know what a blog is?
    • Do you have one? Why/ why not?
    • Why do people have blogs?
  • What do you think about file sharing?
  • On the Internet, you can say whatever you want. Is that true?
    • Is it a good or a bad thing? Why?
    • What is artificial intelligence?
  • Do you often use the Internet?
  • When did you first use the Internet?
  • About how many hours a day do you use the Internet?
  • About how many hours a week do you use the Internet?
  • Who uses the Internet the most in your family?
  • What computer do you use to access the Internet?
  • What are some security issues you must think about when you access the Internet?
  • Have you ever bought something using the Internet?
  • How can the internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this?
  • How can the Internet be improved?
  • How often do you use the internet?
  • Do you think our lives have been improved by the Internet?
  • Do you have any ideas or ambitions to start an Internet company?
  • Do you think the Internet favors men or women?
  • Do men and women use the internet for different purposes?
  • Do you use the Internet for fun or education?
  • What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for education?
  • What are some of the ways the Internet can be used for entertainment?
  • What are the sites you most commonly access?
  • What is the best thing about the Internet?
  • What problems does the Internet create? What problems does it solve?
  • Which company is your Internet provider?
    • Why did you choose this company?
    • Are you satisfied with their service?
    • How much does it cost you?
  • Is it expensive to access the Internet by mobile phone in your country?
  • Is there too much sex on the Internet?
  • Does your family have wireless Internet access in your home?
  • Do you access the Internet from your mobile phone?
  • What type of pages do you access with your phone?
  • Do you have more many e-mail addresses?
  • Why do you need more than one e-mail address?
  • Have you ever chatted on the Internet?
  • Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet?
  • Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?
  • Do you think governments have the right to censor the Internet?
  • Do you think that the Internet safe for children? Why
  • Do you think that it is important for schools to have Internet access? Why?
  • Can you believe all the information that is published (available) on the Internet?
  • Do you think that people should put photos of their friends onto the Internet?
  • Why is it a good idea to have books and magazines published on the Internet?
  • Do you think that it is a good or bad habit for young people to play computer games?
  • Why should you be careful about giving out personal information to people that you meet in chat rooms?
  • Give me a reason why you think that email is a good way for people to communicate.
  • Do you think that working at home using the Internet is good or bad?
  • Many disreputable companies get personal information from your computer when you visit their web site. Why is this bad?
  • Many people download MP3 music without paying any money for it. Do you think that this is a problem?
  • Would you consider going out with someone that you met on the Internet?
  • In your opinion, what is the most important feature of the Internet?
  • Do you think that meeting people is easier than meeting people face to face?
  • Are old people disadvantaged by today’s usage of the Internet? How?
  • When you buy something on the Internet, trust is very important. Why?
  • Do you think that the Internet will replace Libraries?
  • Do you think that online banking (being able to do most of your banking by the Internet and ATM machines) will become popular in all countries? What is a disadvantage of this.
  • In many big cities it is possible to buy your groceries online and have them delivered to your home. Why has this become popular?
  • Why is it illegal to download movies and music from the Internet?
  • What is a computer virus and how do we protect our computers from being infected?
  • How does the Internet help people from different countries to communicate with each other?
  • Information on the Internet is linked together; it is not just single documents. Why is this important?
  • How do we stop young children from looking at Internet sites that have inappropriate content?
  • Do you think that some people spend too much time on the Internet and does this stop them from seeing their friends? Why?
  • Do you think that having Internet access is mainly for rich people? Will poor people be disadvantaged?
  • In some countries you can sell personal items on the Internet (E-Bay). Do you think this is a good idea?
  • Many Universities are now offering online courses. Give me some reasons why this is a good thing.
  • Many Universities are now offering online courses. Give me some reasons why this is a bad thing.
  • If you want reliable and good information from the Internet, then you should look for sites operated by which types of organizations?
  • Do you think that the Internet usage is an anti-social activity?
  • E-commerce (buying and selling things on the Internet) has become very popular. Give a reason for this?
  • Is it better to buy online or to go to a shop? Why?
  • Why is it very important not to give out personal information on the Internet?
  • Many sites require you to have ID’s and passwords. Why do we need to keep these safe?
  • Some web sites hold very dangerous information, for example how to make a bomb. How can we control these Web sites?
  • If you give personal information to a Website do you think that they will always keep this private? Sometimes they sell this information. Is this a good or bad thing?
  • Search engine are used to find information. Do you think that they always give you the best sites or do they give you sites that pay money in order to be on the top of the list?
  • What is
    Copyright? How do we break
    Copyright law on the Internet?
  • How can we stop students from “cutting and pasting” from the Internet when they do their assignments?
  • We can use the Internet to find jobs overseas.
  • If you employ someone via the Internet, how do you check if the person is giving you truthful information?
  • To be current, that is to be up-to-date, is an important feature of the Internet. Why is this important and what impact is this having on society?
  • Do you think the Internet is making people more impatient and that we are becoming a society were we all want instant satisfaction?
  • How has the Internet changed society?
  • How can the Internet help you learn English? Do you take advantage of this?